Releases: UMiamiLibraries/RAMP
Version 1.4.2 of the RAMP editor
Formatting updates to eac2wiki.xsl
and to Wikipedia {{cite book}}
template (now accommodates @localType='pubPlace'
, @localType='publisher'
, and @localType='pubDate'
when transforming EAC-CPF to wiki markup).
Version 1.4.1 of the RAMP editor
This version includes modifications to the VIAF ingest routine: fix to display "Now Editing" after ingest and a change to the named entity regex (no longer pulling in names from data ingested from WorldCat Identities).
Version 1.4 of the RAMP editor
In this version, some refactoring has been done to remove the need for stored procedures in the application's MySQL database. This should facilitate the installation process in different hosting environments. In addition, a bug with WorldCat identities ingest has been patched, and general documentation has been updated.
Version 1.3.4 of the RAMP editor
Fixes for parsing CPF relations, name parts, and references.
Version 1.3.3 of the RAMP editor
Formatting fix for LCCN URIs from WorldCat Identities. Temporary fix for new record form to prevent submission when pressing the Enter key. Additional new record fixes.
Version 1.3.2 of the RAMP editor
Fixes for Wikipedia templates and formatting of external links.
Version 1.3.1 of the RAMP editor
This version includes rough matching for Spanish and Portuguese titles brought in from WorldCat Identities, maintaining sentence case. Also provides grouping of geogname, persname, and corpname elements in EAD-to-EAC-CPF conversion and "See also" relations in EAC-CPF-to-wiki conversion.
Version 1.3 of the RAMP editor
This version incorporates new Wikipedia templates that facilitate proper attribution of sources.
Version 1.2.6 of the RAMP editor
In this version, eac2wiki.xsl includes basic citation templates for bibliographic resources and converts WorldCat references to title case, per Wikipedia style.
Version 1.2.5 of the RAMP editor
Assorted bug fixes and wiki markup updates, including addition of the Forward to Libraries (FTL) resources box template ( in the external links section. The FTL template appears by default for Library of Congress finding aids at