Please open a new branch for every new feature or fix. Do not develop directly on the main
branch even in your local copy if you don't know how to push it to a branch correctly. GitHub will not allow you to puh code directly to the main
Please name your branches using the convention <type of work>-<title for the work>-<name of the responsible person>
<type of work>
for features andfix
for fixes.<title for the work>
should be less then or equal to five words, words being seperated by one dash-
. The title should be meaningful and easy-to-understand for everyone.<name of the responsible person>
is any one word name all navigation team members know. It is ok if you don't want to use your real name. Please be consistent with using the same name on all open branches you are responsible for.
- Open a PR when you are done with development on a branch, tested the code and ensured code quality.
- All PRs should be reviewed by at least one reviewer.