Release 1.2 - FluentAPI refactoring, Property ordering, many improvements
- Complete refactoring of the FluentAPI. Read the documentation on for more information!
- Properties with private setter are able to write.
- Renamed ObjectFiller to Filler to avoid NameSpace conflicts
- Order properties implemented
- IntRange Plugin implemented
- ...some more improvements and bugfixes
Bugfix in RandomizerForProperty
Implemented a "Lorem Ipsum" string plugin
new fantastic PatternGenerator-Plugin. Thanks to charlass for this!
Adjust namespaces from ObjectFiller to Tynamix.ObjectFiller
IgnoreAllOfType added.
Little changes to the main API
moved to github
Changed the fluent API to make it even easier than before to use.
Bugfix when handling lists
Constructors with parameters are now possible as long as the types of parameters are configured in the ObjectFiller.NET setup!
Major Bugfix
RealNameListString Plugin
DoubleMinMax plugin
Its now possible to ignore properties.
Fluent API documented.
Better ExceptionMessages
Its now possible to setup a randomizer to a specific property!
Initial release