A static site as part of our entry into GovHack2016.
This website consumes data from the TwoCatsAndSomeMice/bubble-kiwi-data repo as a Git submodule.
- Ruby, v2.3.1+
- NodeJS, v6+
git clone --recursive git@github.com:TwoCatsAndSomeMice/bubble-kiwi-website.git
bundle install
npm install
To start a local server (once the dependencies are installed) you'll need to:
Then browse to http://localhost:4567
After installation, deployment happens using a few console commands.
First, make sure you've checked out master
in Git.
git checkout master
Then run the following commands:
APP_ENV=production middleman build
APP_ENV=production middleman deploy
After a few minutes the site will be pushed to http://bubble.kiwi