diff --git a/readme.md b/readme.md
index 36d6489..3e5902a 100644
--- a/readme.md
+++ b/readme.md
@@ -20,9 +20,12 @@ An unofficial set of extensions for developing Nui interfaces with Blazor WASM i
- For Nui Message handling, the [NuiMessageListener](src/CitizenFX.Extensions.Blazor.WebAssembly/NuiMessageListener.cs) must be injected as a root-component in index.html, and your component(s) must inherit [NuiComponent](src/CitizenFX.Extensions.Blazor.WebAssembly/NuiComponent.cs)
- Add `` to your `index.html` in the `
- Add `builder.RootComponents.Add("#nui-message-listener");` in your `Program.cs`
- - This adds some Javascript to your `` that directs any Nui Messages for the resource to `NuiMessageListener`
+ - This adds some Javascript to your `` that directs any Nui Messages for the resource to `NuiMessageListener`
- Add `@inherits NuiComponent` in your component/razor page
+ - This is required for `NuiMessageListener` to `NuiMessageHandler`'s
- Add `[NuiMessageHandler("")]` to any static or instanced method in your component
- For triggering Nui Callbacks, [NuiCallbackService](src/CitizenFX.Extensions.Blazor.WebAssembly/Services/NuiCallbackService.cs) must be added to your service collection
- Add `builder.Services.AddNuiServices();` in your `Program.cs`
- Inject in your page with `@inject INuiCallbackService NuiCallbackService`