274 commits
to test_dev
since this release
🔥 First Release !!
Authentication & Registration
- Login
- I am not robot as separate api should we do UT?
- Register new user
- send/resend email verification
- verify email
- Update username
- forget/reforget Password
- reset password using UUID
- Get user basic profile data using ID
- Google sign in
- [integrated with FR | doing integration with CR]
- should we do UT?
- update email , username and password
Users Profile
- Search for matching users using their username or screen name (or part of them)
- Delete/Add a profile banner (restores the default one)
- Update a profile picture given the new picture.
- Delete a profile picture (restores the default one)
- Get/Update the profile of a specific user.
User Interactions
- Get a list of users that follow the username.
- Get a list of users that are followed by the username.
- Follow a certain user using their username.
- Unfollow a certain user using their username.
- Add tweets
- Delete interactions (tweet | retweet | comment)
- Add, remove likes on tweets
- Get list of likers
Timeline & Trends
- Get a list of tweets in the home page of the user. (Timeline)
- Get a list of available trends
- Get a list of tweets in the profile of a user.
- Get tweets liked by the user
- Add, get media
Extra requested
- check email verification using email & token
- check reset token using email & token
- check email uniqueness
- check username uniqueness
- check UUID exists UUID is user identifier {email, username, password}
- update username
Extra for testing should be removed after development done
- get users in database API to ease testing
For Server Maintenance
- sending emails to team members when unhandled rejection throw on server to fast took on problem
For DB Maintenance
- add prisma middleware to not delete any soft deleted models unless done explicitly
- add cron script run at 12:00 am every day to see if any expired data (after 90 days) to delete doing unit test