- Fixed some minor spelling mistakes
- Replaced "/" and ":" in filename when saving a QR and Datamatrix code. (The data saved inside of the code is unnaffected, this only affects the name of the file)
Added .gif, .jpeg and .bmp to DataMatrix
The Script will now create a "bcgsettings.txt" file upon first start.
- Right now the only content of the file is the PySimpleGUI Theme to be used.
- if a bcgsettings.txt is found it will read the content and use the theme saved inside.
- You can edit the file and change the theme to one of the many available ones here:
- You can edit the file and change the theme to one of the many available ones here:
- if no bcgsettings.txt file is found it will create one and use "BrownBlue" as the default theme.
New Settings Button that will allow you to select a Colour Scheme. (The Script needs to be restarted for the changes to take effect)