-BattleShip Clone
-written in C#
-High seas gun battle with four ships against four Computer generated ships
Written as a Project for Class at ITD Canada, Battleship is like the board game version where two players attempt to eliminate all of the other player’s ships. In this version, the computer automatically chooses random locations for all the ships on both sides of the game space. The locations are stored in an SQL database for easy access, and the computer ships are obscured to provide the game a bit of chance to the whole process.
When all of one side’s ships have been hit, a pop-up message declares the winner. The game automatically resets after a win to allow for continued play.
This game is written for Windows PCs and can be downloaded and run by using the BattleShip/BattleShip/bin/Debug/net6.0-windows/ BattleShip.exe file.
-Written By James Fehr 2023-04-06