This repository will walk you through the Mod 1 Pre-work for the Frontend program at Turing.
Each day has a folder containing a
file with instructions for the day, exercises, and questions. You must complete all the exercises and questions.
- Day 0 - More Terminal Practice
- Day 1 - Strings, Numbers, And Booleans
- Day 2 - Arrays and Iteration
- Day 3 - If Statements
- Day 4 - Functions and Return Values
- Day 5 - Objects
- Day 6 - Classes
- Day 7 - Build A Thing
Items you need to complete the mod 1 pre-work:
- These can be found online for free. Find links to each book below:
- Hard copies of the books can be purchased here: Web Design with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery Set
The link below will take you to the GitHub page that contains all the Technical work. Scroll through the page to find the instructions for getting your computer setup and getting started.
Before we're able to write javascript that can be run from the command line (you'll be doing this in Mod 1), we need to install Node.js
and NPM
and it'll be expected that you've run through these instructions.
These setup instructions assume that you have completed the setup for Mod 0, like installing Atom, xcode-select, Homebrew, git, and Chrome. If you haven't done that yet, please see the mod-0 environment setup instructions.
JavaScript was originally intended to be run in the browser (ie. Chrome). But over time there were a lot of good reasons to allow it to be run server side. Node.js is a framework that allows us to to do just that.
Additionally, there's some very useful "packages" we use while writing code and we cannot install without first installing node
Open a terminal with Spotlight search (Command + Space
) and enter these commands:
$ brew update
Wait a few moments for brew
to check its current version and make sure it is ready to be used.
$ brew install node
Wait again, as brew installs node.
Now enter:
$ node -v
This shows us what version of Node.js we are running. You should see something like:
That same install also installed npm
for us which will allow us to download useful packages down the line.
Now enter:
$ npm -v
This shows us what version of NPM we are running. You should see something like:
We will be referencing many terminal commands throughout the pre-work. It is recommended that you practice using terminal commands before getting started. See the
lesson located in the day_0 directory.
Next, we are going to fork this repository that you're reading right now. Forking is when you copy a GitHub repository to your GitHub account to make your own changes. Think of it like a fork in the road -- you're about to make changes that differ from the main path.
In this scenario, the Turing GitHub account owns this frontend-mod-1-prework
repository. You do not have permission to change anything in this repository, so you need your own copy to work on. In order to fork the repository, follow these steps:
1. Make sure you are logged in to GitHub (if you are not logged in, log in and come back to this page)
2. Scroll to the top of this page that you're reading right now.
4. On the new page, confirm that it says it's the "forked" copy of this repository, with mentions of your username in the URL and repository name.
Now that you have forked this repository, the next thing to do is clone your forked repository.
Cloning is when you copy a remote GitHub repository to your local computer.
- Open your terminal
$ cd .
// This is a shortcut for `cd ~`, which is "change into the home directory"
$ mkdir turing
$ cd turing
$ mkdir 0module
$ cd 0module
$ git clone <ctrl-v to paste ssh link here >
Cloning into 'frontend-mod-1-prework'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 678, done.
remote: Total 678 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 678
Receiving objects: 100% (678/678), 237.94 KiB | 851.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (332/332), done.
$ cd frontend-mod-1-prework
$ git status .
// If everything worked correctly, you should see:
On branch master
nothing to commit, working tree clean
From here on out, all the work you do will be in your copy of this repository. Other text you read here might refer to this as the "prework repository" or "frontend prework", and they all refer to your forked copy of this frontend-mod-1-prework
Each day's README
will walk you through the steps you need to take to save your work.
To start, in your terminal, cd
into the day_0
directory. Follow the instructions contained in the
file, and have a great time!