This is a UWP desktop application created with the purpose of computing the encounter difficulty for D&D 5e.
It offers a wide range of monsters from which you can make your choices, as well as the options of selecting the party members level and number. As soon as a monster is added to the Encounter Info list, or when a change is made in the party, the difficulty of the encounter and the experience gained from it will be updated (the adjusted experience required for a precise computing is also updated). The rules for doing this computation were taken from the official source.
The last state of the application is saved, therefore the application starts with the last active encounter and party formation.
The monster information is taken from D&D 5e API, so an internet connection is always required for the application to work.
For more information regarding the usage of the application, consult the following documentation.
Screenshot from the D&D Combat Encounter Difficulty: