You can check Google Play store listing or Apple Store listing for the change log as well.
- Fix: Keyboard won't cover message input anymore
- Fix: uploading profile images now works
- Updated framework dependencies
- Upgraded the cross platform application to work in Apple iOS devices!
- Updated platform used to build the app; no visible changes
- Our first beta version had bugs, we know! This release fixes many of them but especially those annoying ones around push notifications. Yay!
- Pressing phone's hardware back button will now go back in history, instead of closing the app. That was a tad bit too brutal behaviour... sorry.
- This and future versions will prompt user to update the app if Trustroots API commands the app to do so. Just, keep it up to date, will ya? :-)
- App won't ask for any permissions from the phone anymore because, hey, we didn't even use any of those permissions!
- Greatly refactored and improved code. Wanna check it out? Head over to — especially if you wanna help us out!
First beta release! 🎉