diff --git a/voting.html b/voting.html
index b5d34fb..5e78e34 100644
--- a/voting.html
+++ b/voting.html
@@ -351,64 +351,68 @@
Your RCV selection:
+ // The RCV heavy lifter
+ function updateRCVContest(selectedItem, thisContestName, thisContestValue) {
+ // Create a new selected item with a remove button
+ const selectedText = selectedItem.textContent;
+ const newItem = document.createElement("li");
+ newItem.classList.add("flex-item"); // Apply a class for styling
+ // Create a remove button
+ const newButton = document.createElement("button");
+ newButton.innerText = "remove";
+ newButton.classList.add("remove");
+ // add an event listener to the button
+ newButton.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
+ let itemName = e.target.parentNode.textContent.trim().replace(/\s+remove$/, "");
+ e.target.parentNode.classList.remove("selected");
+ console.log("Remove button eventListener: removing '" + itemName + "' (parentNode=" + e.target.parentNode.innerText + ")");
+ // remove it from sortableList
+ e.target.parentNode.remove();
+ // add to choiceList
+ setupChoiceList(thisContestName, thisContestValue, itemName);
+ });
+ // Create a re-order glyph
+ const svgIcon = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg");
+ svgIcon.setAttribute("width", "20");
+ svgIcon.setAttribute("height", "20");
+ svgIcon.setAttribute("viewBox", "0 -4 16 16");
+ // svgIcon.setAttribute("preserveAspectRatio", "xMidYMid meet");
+ svgIcon.setAttribute("fill", "currentColor");
+ svgIcon.setAttribute("fill-rule", "evenodd");
+ svgIcon.setAttribute("clip-rule", "evenodd");
+ // the actual svg
+ svgIcon.innerHTML = ``;
+ // Create the text element
+ const textElement = document.createElement("span");
+ textElement.innerText = selectedText;
+ textElement.innerHTML += extraSpace;
+ // Append everything to the li node
+ newItem.appendChild(svgIcon);
+ newItem.appendChild(textElement);
+ newItem.appendChild(newButton);
+ // Add the class to the li node
+ newItem.classList.add("selected");
+ // ... and append that to the bottom of sortableList
+ sortableList.appendChild(newItem);
+ // Remove the containing li for the selected item from the first list
+ selectedItem.remove();
+ // Initialize the sortable list
+ initSortableList(document.getElementById("sortableList"));
+ }
// RCV event listeners
function setupRCVEventListeners(thisContestName, thisContestValue) {
// Event listener for selection in the first list (when a candidate is selected)
choiceList.addEventListener("click", (event) => {
if (event.target.closest("li") && event.target.closest("li").classList.contains("unselected")) {
console.log("Running RCV eventListener:");
- // Create a new selected item with a remove button
- const selectedText = event.target.closest("li").textContent;
- const newItem = document.createElement("li");
- newItem.classList.add("flex-item"); // Apply a class for styling
- // Create a remove button
- const newButton = document.createElement("button");
- newButton.innerText = "remove";
- newButton.classList.add("remove");
- // add an event listener to the button
- newButton.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
- let itemName = e.target.parentNode.textContent.trim().replace(/\s+remove$/, "");
- e.target.parentNode.classList.remove("selected");
- console.log("Remove button eventListener: removing '" + itemName + "' (parentNode=" + e.target.parentNode.innerText + ")");
- // remove it from sortableList
- e.target.parentNode.remove();
- // add to choiceList
- setupChoiceList(thisContestName, thisContestValue, itemName);
- });
- // Create a re-order glyph
- const svgIcon = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg");
- svgIcon.setAttribute("width", "20");
- svgIcon.setAttribute("height", "20");
- svgIcon.setAttribute("viewBox", "0 -4 16 16");
- // svgIcon.setAttribute("preserveAspectRatio", "xMidYMid meet");
- svgIcon.setAttribute("fill", "currentColor");
- svgIcon.setAttribute("fill-rule", "evenodd");
- svgIcon.setAttribute("clip-rule", "evenodd");
- // the actual svg
- svgIcon.innerHTML = ``;
- // Create the text element
- const textElement = document.createElement("span");
- textElement.innerText = selectedText;
- textElement.innerHTML += extraSpace;
- // Append everything to the li node
- newItem.appendChild(svgIcon);
- newItem.appendChild(textElement);
- newItem.appendChild(newButton);
- // Add the class to the li node
- newItem.classList.add("selected");
- // ... and append that to the bottom of sortableList
- sortableList.appendChild(newItem);
- // Remove the containing li for the selected item from the first list
- event.target.closest("li").remove();
- // Initialize the sortable list
- initSortableList(document.getElementById("sortableList"));
+ // Update the RCV contest
+ updateRCVContest(event.target.closest("li"), thisContestName, thisContestValue);
@@ -660,16 +664,23 @@ Your RCV selection:
// everything out, so to restore we only need to add the classes
// to the correct li
if (thisContestValue.selection) {
+ // loop over selection in order
for (const selection of thisContestValue.selection) {
const indexName = splitSelection(selection);
// Find the choice in choiceList that matches
for (const choice of choiceList.children) {
if (choice.getAttribute("thename") == indexName[1]) {
- choice.classList.add("selected");
- choice.classList.remove("unselected");
- // get the svg (first child) and set fill to on (black)
- choice.firstElementChild.style.fill = "black"
- selectedCount++;
+ if (thisContestValue.tally == "plurality") {
+ // plurality is easier enough to manually update
+ choice.classList.add("selected");
+ choice.classList.remove("unselected");
+ // get the svg (first child) and set fill to on (black)
+ choice.firstElementChild.style.fill = "black"
+ selectedCount++;
+ } else {
+ // Need to manually update the RCV contest
+ updateRCVContest(choice, thisContestName, thisContestValue)
+ }
console.log("restored " + indexName[0] + ", " + indexName[1]);