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Welcome to the Immersion Mod add-on for Vintage Story.
The immersion mod is intended for use by experienced Vintage Story players who have advanced beyond the bronze age. In immersion, the player earns stages of advancement by working additional crafting processes above the Vanilla game mechanics. This mod is NOT recommended for new Vintage Story players. This mod is dependent on carry capacity, available on GitHub. Remember to install carry capacity in your mods folder, or immersion will not function!
Please note: This is a total conversion mod that requires the generation of a new world.
Immersive Crafting Mechanic A hallmark of this mod is a new crafting mechanic "Immersive Crafting". This mechanic requires players to assemble or construct the object (Block, Container, Item) on a workspace block in the world. (In World Recipes) Vanilla crafting mechanics that are already performed outside the crafting grid such as knapping, clay forming, casting, and smithing remain the same. Wherever possible, crafting requiring use of the player's "grid" have been changed to the immersive mechanic, and the Vanilla grid recipes do not function. Any items or blocks created In World include step-by-step directions when constructing on a selected workspace in the Block GUI. (We recommend that Block tips, B, is activated when crafting any block/item.)
Immersive crafting changes the resources required to create many vanilla items, and new recipes were created to allow the substitution of different resources. For example, any type of cordage that a player has available may be used in many of these recipes, and players are not limited because they do not have one specific item or material. Material substitutions and alternative recipes allow players to create some important functional blocks at earlier game stages, before metal tools are available.
Immersion Additions and Changes This mod adds hundreds of new items, blocks, and concepts. It would be almost impossible to list every addition here, but a brief summary can be provided.
- Terrain The immersion mod adds new terrain blocks including: seawater that can be used as a source of salt, and underground aquifers, which can be used (with wells) as fresh water sources. Immersion adds two types of colored clay (red, brown) in addition to the blue and fire clay. All pottery items and ceramic blocks made from the available clay types remain "true to color" after firing.
*Plant Resources Immersion adds new resources including tropical fruit harvested from immersion palm trees, and giant reeds as sources of reed bundles. New sisal plants allow players to create alternative cordage that can substitute for flax twine in some crafting recipes. Different sizes of branches are now dropped from branchy leaves and can be used in constructing items, building materials, and functional blocks.
*Animal Resources Immersion changes animal harvesting, which now includes skinning and butchering as separate stages. Animals also provide new resource materials including: tendons for sinew cordage and glue, horns used to craft advanced weapons, and intestines used to prepare advanced foods. A lucky player might also be able to collect an animal pelt, head trophy or skull.
Tools The immersion mod adds new tiers of stone tools including knapped stone hand tools and primitive tools assembled in-world. Some tool heads can now be knapped from bone. Additions of stone aged tools including the adze, hammer, sickle, sword and javelins, as well as three new tiered bows provide a range of building, crafting, and combat options. The additions are often stone versions of more complex tools that are not available until metal-working ages.
Metal Working Immersion adds more molds during the casting age including sheets, lantern components, candle molds, hinges, and pins. These allow players to craft vanilla lanterns earlier in the game, but also allow the introduction of more advanced lanterns in later game stages. Hinges are added to create functional blocks including doors and chests, while in later updates metal tools will be assembled using tool pins. Cast stamps for instant creation of simple clay items are available, and new mod specific tools can be smithed.
Crafting and Building Immersion crafting adds intermediate resources to build, including cast hinges, and panels from bamboo, wood or planks. These new blocks are used to assemble multiple components in immersive crafting. Log walls, roofs and primitive fences can be constructed from branches during the stone age. Small stones can be used to create stone paths and roads using the immersion tamper and setting hammer. Cracked stone and Quartz blocks can be crafted, as well as three new soil blocks: Adobe, Mudwall, and a new version of cob. Unlike vanilla, most blocks, containers and items display the texture, color and appearance of the materials used when crafting, adding to the diversity and range of building options for players.
New Concepts Bamboo culture has been introduced, which allows players to craft doors, chests, buckets, barrels and other bamboo items during the stone and early casting ages. Bonfires can be constructed to keep predators at bay. Scaffolding can be built and placed to create a temporary ladder. Chopping Block can be constructed to create firewood in-world Mod Specific Bowls are used to mix ingredients and prepare more complex foods. Drying trays are used to obtain salt from seawater. Sisal Drying Mats and Drying racks constructed from branches and cordage are used to sun-dry fruit and meat as an alternative food preserving method. Stationary containers (chests and baskets) are doubled in size to accommodate all the new materials available Wells can be used to access underground fresh water sources.
This mod is a work in progress, with new features and concepts planned and added in stages. For more guidance on features included in this mod and detailed crafting instructions, please see the immersioncraft wiki.
This mod were developed by a team of talented and creative volunteers including
Immersion Authors: Tony Liberatto, Novocain, Balduranne, BunnyViking, jhendrix61978, Dulakaba & Ereketh. Carry Capacity Authors: Copygirl Immersion Contributors: Tyron, Milo, Stroam, Elwood, MarcAFK, Demmon1. Without their efforts, this mod would not exist.
Please feel free to contact the mod author on GitHub or the Immersioncraft Discord Channel with suggestions, feedback, and error reporting.