A python script which reads the values of configured flowercare sensors periodically and sends them via mqtt.
- Fetch values either for one or multiple sensors in a configurable interval
- Read temperature, moisture, light, conductivity and battery values
- Send the data to one topic per sensor
- Configure a different interval either per sensor or per value of a sensor
- Resend the last fetched value if only other values are currently fetched for a sensor
First we clone the repository, then we install some packages and register the system service.
You can install the script to any directory you like. Only make sure to replace the path in the service file later!
git clone https://github.com/Tom-Hirschberger/flowercare.git
sudo pip3 install miflora
sudo pip3 install bluepy
sudo pip3 install paho-mqtt
sudo pip3 install json5
A service file to register the script as systemd service is included in this repository.
Make sure to replace the user and the paths with the ones in your setup!
Copy the service file to systemd directory:
sudo cp flowercare.service /etc/systemd/system/
Register the service to autostart:
sudo systemctl enable flowercare.service
After you created the flowercare.json file (or a other named file if you replaced the name in the service file) you can control the service with the following commands:
sudo systemctl start flowercare.service
sudo systemctl stop flowercare.service
sudo systemctl status flowercare.service
The configuration is structured in different parts: "general", "mqtt" an "sensors".
You will learn to find your sensors and how to configure the differnt sections. You can use the example configuration (flowercare.json.example) as a start.
First we need to know the mac addresses of the sensors (basically the bluetooth hardware address). Credits to https://tutorials-raspberrypi.de. Enable bluetooth on your divice and use the following command to search for your sensors:
sudo hcitool lescan
The output will look something like:
LE Scan ...
C4:7C:8D:66:1A:C3 (unknown)
C4:7C:8D:66:1A:C3 Flower care
D4:36:39:C7:DB:BD (unknown)
The ones with name "Flower care" are the ones we need the addresses of.
Option | Description | Type | Default |
sleep | The time between intervals of fetching new values in seconds. Be careful with fetching the values to often. Fetching the values costs a lot of energy and the battery will be drained very quickly if the interval is to small. | Integer | 1800 |
resendValueOnPartialSkip | It is possible to fetch values of sensors in different intervals than the general "beat" of the module. If no new values are fetched but you want to send a output via MQTT that contains all keys you can send the last fetched values instead. | Boolean | True |
Option | Description | Type | Mandatory | Default |
clientName | The name that will be used to register this client to the MQTT broker. | String | true | None |
host | The hostname or IP of the MQTT broker. | String | true | None |
port | The network port of the MQTT broker. Usally 1883. | Integer | true | None |
username | The username to connect to the MQTT broker. | String | false | None |
password | The password to connect to the MQTT broker. | String | false | None |
Option | Description | Type | Mandatory | Default |
topic | The MQTT topic the result object should be send to. | String | true | None |
name | The name of the sensor. Currently this value will be used for debug output only. | String | true | None |
mac | The bluetooth address of the sensor. | String | true | None |
readTemperature | Should the temperature value be fetched? | Boolean | false | false |
readMoisture | Should the moisture value be fetched? | Boolean | false | false |
readLight | Should the light value be fetched? | Boolean | false | false |
readConductivity | Should the conductivity value be fetched? | Boolean | false | false |
readBattery | Should the battery value be fetched? | Boolean | false | false |
interval | Normally all sensors get fetched after each sleep. You can change this behavior with this option. See the "inveral" section for all options | Integer or Dictionary | 1 |
The interval to fetch the values of a sensor can either be a simple Integer (which it is in default with value 1) or a dictionary. If it is set to a interger all enabled values (read...) will be fetched each "interval" times.
The dictionary can contain a differnt interval for each value. Meaning you can fetch i.e. the light value more often than i.e. the battery level.
Option | Description | Type | Mandatory | Default |
temperature | The interval of the temperature value. | Integer | false | 1 |
moisture | The interval of the moisture value. | Integer | false | 1 |
light | The interval of the light value. | Integer | false | 1 |
conductivity | The interval of the conductivity value. | Integer | false | 1 |
battery | The interval of the battery value. | Integer | false | 1 |
The following example contains all possible configuration options:
"general": {
"sleep": 1800,
"resendValueOnPartialSkip": true
"mqtt": {
"clientName": "mirroreg-flowercare",
"host": "",
"port": 1883,
"username": "test",
"password": "test123"
"sensors": [
"topic": "flowercare/flowerone",
"interval": 1,
"name": "flowerone",
"mac": "AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF",
"readTemperature": true,
"readMoisture": true,
"readLight": false,
"readConductivity": false,
"readBattery": true
"topic": "flowercare/flowertwo",
"interval": {
"temperture": 1,
"moisture": 2,
"battery": 5
"name": "flowertwo",
"mac": "AA:BB:CC:AA:BB:CC",
"readTemperature": true,
"readMoisture": true,
"readBattery": true