Easy to use command line based tool to generate a gaze point heat map from a csv file. ποΈ
Install the required dependencies from the command line.
pip install -r requirements.txt
This tool was created based on Python 2.7. Make sure you are on that Python version to avoid problems.
Run the script from the command line.
python gazeheatplot.py gaze-data.csv 1440 900 [-a 0.6] [-o output-name] [-b /Me/bg-image.png] [-n 200] [-sd 33]
Each line contains at least the X- and Y-values. If you have fixation data and want to take the duration into account you can add it to the end of each row. The data has to be formatted in the CSV format (comma-separated values).
X | Y | Duration (optional) |
123 | 654 | 226 |
134 | 662 | 234 |
... | ... | ... |
-h --help show help message and exit
input-path path to the csv input
display-width an integer representing the display width
display-height an integer representing the display height
[-a ALPHA --alpha ALPHA alpha of the gaze overlay ]
[-o OUTPUT_NAME --output-name OUTPUT_NAME name of the output file ]
[-b BACKGROUND_IMAGE --background-image BACKGROUND_IMAGE path to the background image ]
[-n N_GAUS_MATRIX --n-gaussian-matrix N_GAUSS_MATRIX width and height of gaussian matrix ]
[-sd STAND_DEVIATION --standard-deviation STAND_DEVIATION standard deviation of gauss distribution ]
Note: To add a background image make sure to provide the whole path and only png images without an alpha channel which are not larger than the provided display width and display height.
The script is based on the heat map plotter of PyGaze.