This is a repository for improving VILSAM algortihm by combining it with LIOSAM.
Currently, VILSAM and LIOSAM run using a single launch file. Moreover, VILSAM uses gtsam 4.0.2, the original VILSAM works with gtsam 4.0.2. I have chosed gtsam 4.0.2 because of LIOSAM, its files were uses as basis for upgrading VILSAM.
To run the liovil_sam:
- Download the code into /catkin_ws/srs/liovil_sam
- build it: catkin_make
- roslaunch liovil_sam run.launch
The code is organized as follow:
- liovil_sam/
- Config/
- params.yaml --> contains configurable parameter for: visual_frontend, vio, lidar_mappin, and liosam
- include/ (TODO most of the header files for VILSAM are a copy with minor modifications. They could be merged in single header files)
- lidar_mapping/ --> header files for lidar mapping (loam)
- nanoflann/ --> extra header files for visual_frontend
- range-tree/ --> extra header files for vio (visual inertial odometry)
- vio/ --> header files for vio
- visual_fronend/ --> header files for visual_frontend
- utility.h --> liosam include file
- launch/
- run.launch --> main launch file
- include/ --> extra launcher files
- msg/ --> message files used by VILSAM and LIOSAM
- scripts/ --> python scripts implemented by VILSAM (They are not used)
- src/
- lidar_mapping/ --> surce files for performing loam
- liosam/ --> source files used by LIOSAM
- vio/ --> source files for performing the visual inertial odometry
- visual_frontend/ --> source files for retrieve stereo matches
- srv/ --> services used by LIOSAM for saving the reconstructed map
- Config/