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Treasurer's Eyes

Xaikii edited this page Jun 5, 2022 · 4 revisions
1.16+ Post-Transcended Update


With this Enchantment you'll see Special Effects on Entities(Mobs or Players) if they have a specific Enchantment on them.
Piglins won't be angered, except Brutes.

Max. Level: 3
Treasure: Yes
Rarity: Rare
Equipable: Helmet
Tradeable: True


[Range] BaseRange + (BonusRangePerLvL * Level)
BaseRange 5
BonusRangePerLvL 5.5


Ender Eyes

Special Notes:

Effects are:

Alchemist's Grace RGB Light
Ares Blessing Hearts
Ares Fragment Angry Villager
Berserker Red Light
Perpetual Strike Blue Light
Phoenix's Blessing Fire
Spartan Weapon Green Light
Legacy 1.12.2 & 1.14.4


With this Enchantment you'll see Special Effects on Entities(Mobs or Players) if they have a specific Enchantment on them.

Max. Level: 3
Treasure: Yes
Rarity: Rare
Equipable: Helmet
Tradeable: True


[Range] BaseRange + (BonusRangePerLvL * Level)
BaseRange 5
BonusRangePerLvL 5.5


Ender Eyes

Special Notes:

Effects are:

Alchemist's Grace RGB Light
Ares Blessing Hearts
Ares Fragment Angry Villager
Berserker Red Light
Perpetual Strike Blue Light
Phoenix's Blessing Fire
Spartan Weapon Green Light
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