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Misc Features

Xaikii edited this page Jun 30, 2022 · 2 revisions

Patchouli Book

Enchantment Colors & Icons

It will generate colors for Enchantments based on names if not preset.
Vanilla and Unique Enchantments enchantments will also have Icons displayed!

Enchantment Border Colors

You can also give Enchantments a Border Color, which will (as you'd have guessed) change the items border color. It will take the color of the very first Enchantment on the item, by default only Curses have a red Border, but it can be customized

Enchanted Book Texture

Enchanted Books have a new texture, which will generate based on:

  • Rarity
  • Enchantment Color
  • Treasure
  • Curse

Applicable Item Icons

It'll display Items the Items, the Enchantment can be applied on, can be customized!

Enchantment Display

Ever found an Enchanted Book in a dungeon chest and didn't know what that Enchantment does?
Or an item has just waaaaay too many Enchantments on it and you'd like to see the individual Enchantment effects/description?
This is the solution, just hold [Alt] on enchanted item and this menu pops up

Enchantment View

JEI window that allows you to see in one window, which items it can be applied on(iterates through them), such as general stats

Enchantment Descriptions

Allows you to see the description of an Enchantment(if provided by the author), hold [Shift] to see it.

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