#This package is a easy way to complete the alidayu-sms jobs the package is base on laravel framework,you must use it with laravel framework. #Installation composer require tinsky/alidayu #Usage you must set the following items in .env file: ALIDAYU_APPKEY ALIDAYU_SECRETKEY ALIDAYU_SMS_FREE_SIGN_NAME ALIDAYU_SMS_TEMPLATE_CODE You can use the setSmsParam method to set the params your sms template need by type of array. Laravel 应用
注册 AliServiceProvider:
php artisan vendor:publish
$alidayu = app('alidayu');//get the instance of alidayu
$alidayu->setSmsParam(['example'=>$example]);//set the params
$alidayu->sendCheckCodeSms('telephone_number');//send sms
#Pay Attention if your 'ALIDAYU_SMS_FREE_SIGN_NAME' is including the Chinese, don't set it in .env file,you can set it in aliSms file which is located in config directory.You can set it like this: 'checkCode' => [ 'sms_free_sign_name' => env('ALIDAYU_SMS_FREE_SIGN_NAME','事例4'), 'sms_template_code' => env('ALIDAYU_SMS_TEMPLATE_CODE','your-sms-template-id'), ],