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Releases: ThibTrip/pangres


05 Nov 20:50
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  • Fixed warning with Pyright related to "not exported" members of pangres for example when using import pangres and then pangres.upsert - Thanks to @DeflateAwning for reporting and fixing the issue #83


03 Oct 20:39
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WARNING: a new dependency was introduced packaging, as no better alternative was found to replace pkg_resources.parse_version after the release of Python 3.12 (see first point in section "Bug Fixes").

Bug Fixes

  • added support python 3.12. Thanks to @markm-io (see PR #75)
  • Removed this warning from sqlalchemy (see PR #81):
 MovedIn20Warning: The ``declarative_base()`` function is now available as sqlalchemy.orm.declarative_base(). (deprecated since: 2.0) (Background on SQLAlchemy 2.0 at:



  • migrated from circleci to GitHub actions (see PR #78)
  • added testing via CI for Python 3.9, 3.10, 3.11 and 3.12 (see PR #78 and #80)


07 Apr 20:33
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Bug Fixes

  • fixed compatibility with pandas==2.0.0. Thanks to @lordsutch


06 Feb 01:03
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Bug Fixes

  • pangres is now compatible with sqlalchemy>=2.0. IMPORTANT: you will need alembic>=1.7.2 (it is one of the dependencies of pangres) and Python >= 3.8
  • typing should now work (py.typed file was missing). Please note that support for typing is partial, unless you are using sqlalchemy>=2.0


  • added code style check with flake8
  • improvements to linting and typing of internal as well as "public" objects


29 Jul 20:04
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Bug Fixes

  • pangres was not running on Python 3.10 because I never added packaging in requirements.txt. I fixed it by using pkg_resources from the standard library instead to avoid the additional dependency (see commit 89d3679)

    Note: the tests were running fine because we use pytest which uses packaging (so I never saw the missing dependency)


13 Mar 17:15
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Bug Fixes

  • fixed bug where I used a synchronous method instead of its asynchronous variant (UpsertQuery.execute instead of UpsertQuery.aexecute in pangres.aupsert). This has no repercussions for the end user


  • fix illogic code in example for pangres.aupsert (using engine instead of connection in contexts) and commit which I had forgotten!
  • added changelog


  • overhaul of the tests. asynchronous and synchronous tests have been separated
  • module test_upsert_end_to_end has been renamed to test_core


21 Jan 19:24
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New Features

  • Added async support with function pangres.aupsert 🚀 ! Tested using aiosqlite for SQlite, asyncpg for PostgreSQL and aiomysql for MySQL. See documentation in dedicated wiki page


17 Jan 19:52
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This patches an important bug with MySQL. We recommend that all users upgrade to this version.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug where tables in MySQL where created with auto increment on the primary key (see #56)


13 Jan 13:22
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Bug Fixes

  • removed warning due to deprecated code when checking versions of other libraries in Python >= 3.10 (see issue #54)


12 Jan 21:49
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There have been important changes in the main function pangres.upsert:

Breaking changes

  1. The first argument engine has been be renamed to con and now accepts engines and connections
  2. The argument chunksize now defaults to None. Like in pandas.DataFrame.to_sql we will attempt to insert all rows by default. Previously the default was 10000 rows.
  3. There will be no more automatic adjustments to the chunksize the user passes in pangres.upsert even if we can predict that it will raise an Exception due to database limitations.

E.g. inserting 100000 rows at once in a SQlite database with pangres will necessarily raise an Exception down the line because we need to pass NUMBER_OF_ROWS * NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS parameters and the maximum of parameters allowed in SQLite is 32766 (for version >= 3.32.0, otherwise it is 999).

I have made a new utility function pangres.adjust_chunksize that you can use before calling pangres.upsert if you want to make sure the chunksize is not too big.

New Features

Now that pangres.upsert accept connections objects this will give you more control when using it when it comes to connections and transactions.

See transaction control demo notebook.