Try to automate everything I have been doing manually thus far. And learn rust at the same time
This command give random article from my reading list on notion based on their priority
This command pull the tasks from my task manager page on notion and generate a stand up
- -s, --slack : Flag for sending stand up to slack
- -t, --timelog : Flag for updating time log on google sheet
- -i, --in-office : data to fill out on In Office header in google sheet [default: WFH]
- -w, --hours : data to fill out on Hours header in google sheet [default: 8]
This command add tasks to my task manager page on notion
- -t, --task : task to add
- -s, --status : status of the task, Possible values: "to do", "in progress", "done" [default: done]
- -p, --project : project of the task
more automation to comes...