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Docker Log Sharing Reference Commands

Author: Md Toriqul Islam
Description: Reference commands for sharing log files between Docker containers using bind mounts and volumes.
Learning Focus: Advanced Docker volume concepts, multi-container data sharing, and volume management.
Note: This is a reference guide. Exercise caution and understand the implications before executing any commands.

Section 1: Prerequisites

  • Docker 20.10.17 or higher
  • Alpine Linux 3.16 or compatible

Section 2: Core Workflow

Step 1: Build Custom Image

# Build the custom Docker image
docker build -t my_writer .

Step 2: Set Up Known Location on Host

# Create a directory on the host to store logs
mkdir -p ${LOG_SRC}

Step 3: Create Log-Writing Container (Bind Mount)

# Run a container that writes logs to the bind-mounted directory
docker run --name plath -d \
    --mount type=bind,src=${LOG_SRC},dst=/data \

# Verify the container is running
docker ps -f name=plath

Step 4: Create Log-Reading Container (Bind Mount)

# Run a container that reads logs from the bind-mounted directory
docker run --rm \
    --mount type=bind,src=${LOG_SRC},dst=/data \
    alpine:latest \
    head /data/logA

Step 5: View Logs from Host (Bind Mount)

# Display the contents of the log file on the host
cat ${LOG_SRC}/logA

Step 6: Stop Log-Writing Container (Bind Mount)

# Stop and remove the log-writing container
docker rm -f plath

Step 7: Create Docker Volume

# Create a named Docker volume for log sharing
docker volume create --driver local logging-example

# Verify the volume creation
docker volume ls

Step 8: Create Log-Writing Container (Volume)

# Run a container that writes logs to the Docker volume
docker run --name plath -d \
    --mount type=volume,src=logging-example,dst=/data \

# Verify the container is running
docker ps -f name=plath

Step 9: Create Log-Reading Container (Volume)

# Run a container that reads logs from the Docker volume
docker run --rm \
    --mount type=volume,src=logging-example,dst=/data \
    alpine:latest \
    head /data/logA

Step 10: View Logs from Host (Volume)

# Display the contents of the log file in the Docker volume
docker exec plath cat /data/logA

Step 11: Stop Log-Writing Container (Volume)

# Stop the log-writing container
docker stop plath

Section 3: Advanced Operations

Create Containers with Anonymous Volumes

# Create a container with anonymous volumes
docker run --name fowler \
    --mount type=volume,dst=/library/PoEAA \
    --mount type=bind,src=/tmp,dst=/library/DSL \
    alpine:latest \
    echo "Fowler collection created."

# Create another container with anonymous volumes
docker run --name knuth \
    --mount type=volume,dst=/library/TAoCP.vol1 \
    --mount type=volume,dst=/library/TAoCP.vol2 \
    --mount type=volume,dst=/library/TAoCP.vol3 \
    --mount type=volume,dst=/library/TAoCP.vol4.a \
    alpine:latest \
    echo "Knuth collection created."

Share Volumes with Another Container

# Create a container that uses volumes from other containers
docker run --name reader \
    --volumes-from fowler \
    --volumes-from knuth \
    alpine:latest ls -l /library/

Inspect Volumes of the New Container

# Display detailed information about the container's volumes
docker inspect --format '{{json .Mounts}}' reader | jq

Section 4: Volume Management

List Volumes

# List all volumes
docker volume ls

Remove a Specific Volume

# Remove a specific volume by name
docker volume rm <volume_name>

Prune Unused Volumes

# Remove all unused volumes
docker volume prune

Forcefully Remove All Volumes

# Remove all volumes forcefully
docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q)

Section 5: Cleanup

Stop and Remove All Containers

# Stop and remove all containers
docker stop $(docker ps -aq)
docker rm $(docker ps -aq)

Remove All Volumes

# Remove all volumes
docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q)

💡 Best Practice: Use meaningful names for containers and volumes to facilitate management and organization.

⚠️ Warning: Be cautious when forcefully removing all volumes, as it can lead to data loss.

📝 Note: Always verify the contents of a volume before removing it to avoid unintended data loss.