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| -# Elbie-Mk.-III |
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| -Elbeanor rewritten from scratch for the third time, this time utilizing node.js to run her as a real "server-side" application, now deployed via Heroku. |
| 1 | +# Elbie (Landon Bot) |
| 2 | +An extensible [Discord](https://discordapp.com/) bot designed to facilitate running rules-lite [TTRPG](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tabletop_role-playing_game) systems, including [Dungeon World](http://dungeon-world.com/), [Fiasco](http://bullypulpitgames.com/games/fiasco/), and others. |
| 3 | +What makes Elbie distinct from many of the conventionally available Discord bots is her tight RPG integrations, capable of handling skills, inventory, dice rolls, and creating character summaries on the fly. She also has rudimentary (and in-progress) audio capabiities, with built-in support for character theme songs. |
| 4 | + |
| 5 | +Elbie's purpose is to provide a wide array of tools and accessories and then get out of the way, letting the players and DM be able to act freely without having to constantly be referring to a character sheet. This enables better role-playing and more mentally present players. |
| 6 | +## Installation |
| 7 | +### Adding to a server |
| 8 | +Elbie lives in Heroku at present to make her available 24/7. To add Elbie to a Discord server, visit [this link](https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=255390394219626496&scope=bot&permissions=1) and select a server in which you have the Manage Server permission. |
| 9 | +### Installing Locally |
| 10 | +To run Elbie locally, fork this repository and clone it to your local machine. You'll need to register a Discord app to get a login token, and if you want her to report version information, you'll need a Github token as well. You'll need to add her to a server as well, which you can do while registering her as a Discord app. |
| 11 | +## Usage |
| 12 | +All of Elbie's commands start with a **prefix**, letting her know that you're talking to her. By default, this prefix is set to `+`, such that asking her to flip a coin is simply `+flip`. |
| 13 | + |
| 14 | +Elbie is broken up into **modules**, each of which encapsulates several related commands. The "master" version of Elbie has all modules I've written installed, but writing one's own is fairly simple and lets Elbie be easily extensible. As it stands, the modules available in the master version are: |
| 15 | +* bot |
| 16 | + * `+ping`: Returns "pong!" as proof-of-life. |
| 17 | + * `+echo (String)`: Echoes back `(String)` as proof-of-life |
| 18 | + * `+flip`: Returns either "heads" or "tails" |
| 19 | +* rpg |
| 20 | + * `+r (Integer? modifier)`: Makes a single default roll as defined by whatever TTRPG system the channel is currently bound to (2d6 for PBtA games, 1d20 for most D&D/Pathfinder games, etc.) If `modifier` is provided, it will be added as a modifier |
| 21 | + * `+bind (String shortname) (String name)`: Binds the current channel to a new campaign under the name `name` (which may contain spaces) and with abbreviated name `shortname` (which must not contain spaces) and assigns the player who issued the command as DM. Setup will need to be finished on the web interface, which is not, at present, publically available. (If you want to use Elbie in a campaign of yours, send me a message and I will manually finish setup.) |
| 22 | + * `+who (String? name)`: Generates a character summary of either the current player if no name is provided, or if `name` is a player name (like "Sam"), a character name (like "Lurreka Al-Petarra"), or a nickname (like "Lurreka"), it will generate a summary of that character or the character assigned to that player. (For reference, if for some reason you have a player named "Sam" and a different player has a character named "Sam", `+who Sam` will refer to the player. If you are doing this, why?) |
| 23 | + * `+listChar`: Lists all the characters in the current campaign with their player's name (e.g. "Amateotl Maikali, played by Sam") |
| 24 | + * `+roll`: Accepts a comma-separated list of rolls and modifiers to perform in `xdy+z` format, e.g. `+roll 1d20+2d4+1d6+3,2d6+-2`. Note that it is crucial to preface any negative modifiers with a `+`, e.g. (`2d4+-1`). |
| 25 | + * `+hp (Integer? amount)`: Adjusts the current character's HP by the given `amount`. Restricts to values between 0 and the character's maximum health. Not providing `amount` returns the character's current HP. |
| 26 | + * `+mark (Integer? amount)`: Increases the current character's XP by `amount` if provided. Defaults to 1. |
| 27 | + * `+s (String skill) (Integer? modifier)`: Rolls a "skill roll" with the appropriate modifier depending on the character's skill in that attribute. If `modifier` is provided, it will modify the result. `skill` must be an abbreviated skill name ("str", "con", etc.) |
| 28 | + * `+levelup`: Increases the character's level by 1, if the character has enough XP. If not, fails. |
| 29 | + * (`+theme`:) Immediately plays the current character's theme. (This command is not currently available in the master build.) |
| 30 | +* (audio) |
| 31 | + * This module is not currently available in the master build. If you want to use this module, you must fork Elbie and compile her from the `audio` branch. Use at your own risk, as it is still actively in development and may change without warning. |
| 32 | + |
| 33 | +## Extending Elbie |
| 34 | +Elbie is written to be fully extensible. All you need to do to write your own module is create a folder inside of `bot_modules` titled for your new module, and inside that create `index.js`. You may want to import `common.js` from `bot_modules`, which provides several common functions required by modules. Then you'll need four components in `index.js`: |
| 35 | + |
| 36 | +```javascript |
| 37 | + const name = "your-module-name" |
| 38 | + const desc = "My new module" |
| 39 | + const functions = { |
| 40 | + foo: (Command)=>{ |
| 41 | + Command.channel.send("Hello World") |
| 42 | + } |
| 43 | + } |
| 44 | + const commands = { |
| 45 | + 'hello': functions.foo |
| 46 | + } |
| 47 | + module.exports = {name, desc, functions, commands} |
| 48 | + ``` |
| 49 | +To break this pattern down, `name` and `desc` are self-explanatory. `functions` is where all of your functions live, and their names may not be correlated with their command. That's why `commands` takes in a string (i.e. the command Elbie received) and returns a function, which she then executes by passing it the Command object she received. You are free to "alias" functions by having several keys in `commands` with the same function value. |
| 50 | + |
| 51 | +Elbie automatically includes any modules in the bot_modules folder, so they should be available as soon as she starts. |
| 52 | + |
| 53 | +If you've done everything right, when you start up Elbie, she should log the modules she has installed in the console and you should see your module's name and description, as well as its commands, which you should be able to use. |
| 54 | + |
| 55 | +## Future Enhancements |
| 56 | +### Audio |
| 57 | +Audio is her next big step -- having her able to smoothly play music from youtube and possibly other sources would help her be a bot that can be used in a variety of circumstances. |
| 58 | +### Web Interface |
| 59 | +There is a lot you can do with a text interface, but for our purposes, setting up a web interface for instantiating a campaign, adjusting character attributes, or making administrative changes to your TTRPG sessions is going to be easier for everyone. |
| 60 | +### Grid-based Movement |
| 61 | +Many TTRPGs use a game-board like grid for character positioning and line-of-sight determination. At present, there are no plans to include such a feature in Elbie. Get back to role-playing!! ;-) |
| 62 | + |
| 63 | +## Thanks & Tech |
| 64 | +* [discord-js](https://discord.js.org) |
| 65 | +* node |
| 66 | +* express |
| 67 | +* yarn |
| 68 | +* Mongoose |
| 69 | +* MongoDB |
| 70 | +* Heroku |
| 71 | +* ytdl |
| 72 | +_____ |
| 73 | +* [Friends at the Table](http://friendsatthetable.net/) |
| 74 | +* [The Adventure Zone](http://www.maximumfun.org/shows/adventure-zone) |
| 75 | +* [Dungeon World](http://dungeon-world.com/) |
| 76 | +* The Pilgrims of Her Blue Flame |
| 77 | + |
| 78 | +## One Last Thing |
| 79 | +If you're a traditional D&D or Pathfinder player who has grown a little tired of the standard formula of "go into dungeon, kill goblin, walk out with treasure, repeat until dead", I urge you to check out any of the "Powered By the Apocalypse" games. Dungeon World is their D&D analogue, and since our group switched, we've seen better stories, more realistic role-playing, less focus on stats and skills and more focus on interpersonal connection. |
| 80 | + |
| 81 | +If you've never played a TTRPG before, Dungeon World is a great place to start. There are few rules to memorize, lots of things you can do, and lots of ways to be an extraordinary person in a fantasy world. I'm blessed to work with the world's greatest Game Master, but there are lots of great published adventures that your group can run that don't involve writing a novel's worth of backstory. |
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