| 1 | +Pre-Game |
| 2 | +- Game begins with +fiasco [player count] |
| 3 | +- Game rolls 4*p d6, where p=players |
| 4 | +- Game presents dice by number and order |
| 5 | +- Players assign player number with +set [pX], game checks to make sure it hasn't been taken, is not above max player count |
| 6 | +- Acting in order, players use +take [number], game checks to see if number rolled is still available in pool, if player is active. If both so, removes from pool, changes active player, informs. Players can track relationships, game doesn't need to. |
| 7 | +- When dice run out, auto state change to act one |
| 8 | +Act One |
| 9 | +- Game creates 2p white dice, 2p black dice. |
| 10 | +- Players assign scene color with +setColor [white/black], checks to see if dice available, removes from pool if so. |
| 11 | +- Players give dice using +giveDice [pX], adding +1 W/B to player based on previous +setColor |
| 12 | +- Game displays total dice, informs whose turn it is, asks to establish + resolve scene. |
| 13 | +- If establish, active player cannot +setColor, all others can. |
| 14 | +- If resolve, active player only can +setColor. |
| 15 | +- After scene is resolved, game asks active player to +giveDice |
| 16 | +- New scene begins, next player assigned, cycles repeats until occurs 2*p times, auto state change to tilt |
| 17 | +Tilt |
| 18 | +- game rolls Wd6 where W = assigned white dice, |
| 19 | +- game rolls Bd6 where B = assigned Black |
| 20 | +- game determines black highest roller, tie checks by comparing to players’ white values, assigns player Black |
| 21 | +- game determines white highest roller, tie checks by comparing to players’ black values, assigns player Black |
| 22 | +- game rolls 2*p d6, displays results, asks high + low to pick a die to determine tilt with results |
| 23 | +Act Two |
| 24 | +- Game displays total dice, informs whose turn it is, asks to establish + resolve scene. |
| 25 | +- If establish, active player cannot +setColor, all others can. |
| 26 | +- If resolve, active player only can +setColor. |
| 27 | +- After scene is resolved, game gives player +1 W/B depending on previously set color. |
| 28 | +- New scene begins, next player assigned, game continues until last dice assigned. |
| 29 | +Aftermath |
| 30 | +-players use +release to end turn, removes one dice from assigned player, moves to next player with dice remaining. |
| 31 | +-Game rolls Wd6-Bd6 for each player, determines ending, displays endings based on result |
| 32 | +- game states which player is up, how many scenes they have left |
| 33 | +-player dictates scenes, +release |
| 34 | +-continues until all dice releases |
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