Sentiment Analysis of IGN Game Reviews Predict the sentiment in game titles from the IGN game dataset. Classification outputs a class from the set of 11 classes. Classes: ('Great', 'Good', 'Okay', 'Mediocre', 'Amazing', 'Bad', 'Awful', 'Painful', 'Unbearable', 'Masterpiece')
Performing sentiment analysis using tflearn on a small number of output classes such as 2 or 3 (Positive, Negative, Neutral) would give us much higher accuracies compared to using these 11 classes.
ResultLayers | Dropouts | Train/Test split | Batch size | Accuracy |
LSTM(128), LSTM(128), LSTM(128) | (0.9, 0.9, 0.9) | 0.80 | 32 | 40.8% |