The Jibauni have been PRed to vanilla Endless Sky. The pull request is here: #10867
This is a plugin for the free, open-source game Endless Sky.
This plugin adds a robotic faction called the Diba and a species named the Jibauni.
The Jibauni mostly use human ship sprites, which I am hoping will change soon (see Contributing).
You can find the fork of Endless Sky with the Jibauni integrated here.
The Jibauni and their non-weapon outfits are mainly based around fuel. They also have slowing damage in their systems. I am aiming to make the Jibauni about T1.
The Diba are a faction of robots much like the Kor Mereti and Kor Sestor, except for these are controlled by an escaped Alpha. I am aiming for the Diba to be slightly more powerful then humans, but only a bit.