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Commit 646a3d8

Browse files
committedOct 18, 2023
Updated files
1 parent 5cc49e6 commit 646a3d8

17 files changed

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@@ -18,19 +18,19 @@ This repository contains the following items:
* [`MN_AMT.ipynb` Jupyter notebook](MN_AMT.ipynb). An executable notebook you can use to replicate all the analyses in the article and creation of output and figures.
* [`/data/` directory](data/). This directory contains the data used in the analyses in the article--PEW total balances and rainy day fund balances historical data for all 50 states.
* [`/data/cb_2018_us_state_20m`](/data/cb_2018_us_state_20m). Folder containing US Census Bureau shapefiles (7 files) and corresponding files for US states. We use the "<1.0 MB" files (the `_20m` extension). See These are used in the creation of the [`/images/state_amt_2023.html`](/images/state_amt_2023.html) map image in [`MN_AMT.ipynb` Jupyter notebook](MN_AMT.ipynb).
* [`/data/state_amt.csv`](/data/state_amt.csv). Source data for Figure 1 map in the paper.
* [`/data/fig1_state_amt.csv`](/data/fig1_state_amt.csv). Source data for Figure 1 map in the paper.
* [`/data/fig2_source.csv`](/data/fig2_source.csv). Source data for Figure 2 in the paper.
* [`/data/fig3_source.csv`](/data/fig3_source.csv). Source data for Figure 3 in the paper.
* [`/data/fig4_source.csv`](/data/fig4_source.csv). Source data for Figure 4 in the paper.
* [`/data/fig5_source.csv`](/data/fig5_source.csv). Source data for Figure 5 in the paper.
* [`/images/` directory](images/). This folder contains the `.html` files for the dynamic visualizations in the paper and created in the notebook and the corresponding static `.png` image files.
* [`/images/amt_minus_stnd_deduct_mar_children.html`](/images/amt_minus_stnd_deduct_mar_children.html). Dynamic data visualization Bokeh `.html` file, for web publication. Figure 4. Minnesota AMT minus standard tax liability for married filers by AMT-non-allowable deductions and number of children
* [`/images/amt_minus_stnd_deduct_mar_children.png`](/images/amt_minus_stnd_deduct_mar_children.png). Static `.png` file, for web publication. Figure 4. Minnesota AMT minus standard tax liability for married filers by AMT-non-allowable deductions and number of children
* [`/images/amt_minus_stnd_deduct_sngl_children.html`](/images/amt_minus_stnd_deduct_sngl_children.html). Dynamic data visualization Bokeh `.html` file, for web publication. Figure 5. Minnesota AMT minus standard tax liability for single filers by AMT-non-allowable deductions and number of children
* [`/images/amt_minus_stnd_deduct_sngl_children.png`](/images/amt_minus_stnd_deduct_sngl_children.png). Static `.png` file, for web publication. Figure 5. Minnesota AMT minus standard tax liability for single filers by AMT-non-allowable deductions and number of children
* [`/images/amt_minus_stnd_mar_children.html`](/images/amt_minus_stnd_mar_children.html). Dynamic data visualization Bokeh `.html` file, for web publication. Figure 2. Minnesota AMT minus standard tax liability for married filers by employment income and number of children
* [`/images/amt_minus_stnd_mar_children.png`](/images/amt_minus_stnd_mar_children.png). Static `.png` file, for web publication. Figure 2. Minnesota AMT minus standard tax liability for married filers by employment income and number of children
* [`/images/amt_minus_stnd_sngl_children.html`](/images/amt_minus_stnd_sngl_children.html). Dynamic data visualization Bokeh `.html` file, for web publication. Figure 3. Minnesota AMT minus standard tax liability for single filers by employment income and number of children
* [`/images/amt_minus_stnd_sngl_children.png`](/images/amt_minus_stnd_sngl_children.png). Static `.png` file, for web publication. Figure 3. Minnesota AMT minus standard tax liability for single filers by employment income and number of children
* [`/images/state_amt_2023.html`](/images/state_amt_2023.html). Dynamic data visualization Bokeh `.html` file. Figure 1. Four states with state alternative minimum tax (AMT) as of November 2023
* [`/images/state_amt_2023.png`](/images/state_amt_2023.png). Static `.png` file. Figure 1. Four states with state alternative minimum tax (AMT) as of November 2023
* [`/images/fig1_state_amt_2023.html`](/images/fig1_state_amt_2023.html). Dynamic data visualization Bokeh `.html` file. Figure 1. Four states with state alternative minimum tax (AMT) as of November 2023
* [`/images/fig1_state_amt_2023.png`](/images/fig1_state_amt_2023.png). Static `.png` file. Figure 1. Four states with state alternative minimum tax (AMT) as of November 2023
* [`/images/fig2_amt_minus_stnd_mar_children.html`](/images/fig2_amt_minus_stnd_mar_children.html). Dynamic data visualization Bokeh `.html` file, for web publication. Figure 2. Minnesota AMT minus standard tax liability for married filers by employment income and number of children
* [`/images/fig2_amt_minus_stnd_mar_children.png`](/images/fig2_amt_minus_stnd_mar_children.png). Static `.png` file, for web publication. Figure 2. Minnesota AMT minus standard tax liability for married filers by employment income and number of children
* [`/images/fig3_amt_minus_stnd_sngl_children.html`](/images/fig3_amt_minus_stnd_sngl_children.html). Dynamic data visualization Bokeh `.html` file, for web publication. Figure 3. Minnesota AMT minus standard tax liability for single filers by employment income and number of children
* [`/images/fig3_amt_minus_stnd_sngl_children.png`](/images/fig3_amt_minus_stnd_sngl_children.png). Static `.png` file, for web publication. Figure 3. Minnesota AMT minus standard tax liability for single filers by employment income and number of children
* [`/images/fig4_amt_minus_stnd_deduct_mar_children.html`](/images/fig4_amt_minus_stnd_deduct_mar_children.html). Dynamic data visualization Bokeh `.html` file, for web publication. Figure 4. Minnesota AMT minus standard tax liability for married filers by AMT-non-allowable deductions and number of children
* [`/images/fig4_amt_minus_stnd_deduct_mar_children.png`](/images/fig4_amt_minus_stnd_deduct_mar_children.png). Static `.png` file, for web publication. Figure 4. Minnesota AMT minus standard tax liability for married filers by AMT-non-allowable deductions and number of children
* [`/images/fig5_amt_minus_stnd_deduct_sngl_children.html`](/images/fig5_amt_minus_stnd_deduct_sngl_children.html). Dynamic data visualization Bokeh `.html` file, for web publication. Figure 5. Minnesota AMT minus standard tax liability for single filers by AMT-non-allowable deductions and number of children
* [`/images/fig5_amt_minus_stnd_deduct_sngl_children.png`](/images/fig5_amt_minus_stnd_deduct_sngl_children.png). Static `.png` file, for web publication. Figure 5. Minnesota AMT minus standard tax liability for single filers by AMT-non-allowable deductions and number of children
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