The Butterfly SDK helps your app to take an active part in the fight against domestic violence.
In your root-level "build.gradle" file, put:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
In your app-level "build.gradle" file, put:
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.TheButterflySDK:Android:2.1.1'
To recognize your app in TheButterflySDK servers you'll need an application key. You can set it via code, as demonstrated here. In order to present our reporter, we'll need the current Activity.
// Whenever you wish to open our screen, simply call:
ButterflySdk.openReporter(activity, "YOUR_API_KEY");
You can easily verify your application key 🔑 by simply running the SDK in DEBUG mode.
This will cause our servers to skip the part of sending reports to real live support centers, they will only verify the API key. Eventually you'll get success / failure result.