Welcome to the 5-Bar Pick and Place Mechanism project! This implementation utilizes hobby servos controlled by a Botboarduino controller board to create a pick and place mechanism. Below are the key features and instructions for using the project:
- Servo Control: The code utilizes the Servo library to control gripper and axis servos.
- Smooth Movement: Implements functions for smooth movement of the mechanism to specified positions.
- Payload Manipulation: Enables accurate picking up and placing of the payload using gripper control.
- Communication: Utilizes digital pins for communication between two systems.
- Servo Initialization: Initialize servos for gripper, axis 1, and axis 2.
- Movement Functions: Implement
function to move the mechanism smoothly. - Pick and Place Logic: Define
function to execute pick and place operations. - Main Loop: Read input from the serial monitor and execute pick and place based on the input.
- Setup: Connect the required hardware and upload the code to the Botboarduino.
- Serial Communication: Use the serial monitor to input destination locations (1, 2, or 3).
- Operation: Watch as the mechanism moves to pick up the payload and place it at the specified destination.
Feel free to explore and modify the code for further experimentation and optimization!