This django app provides a basic user interface showing news and public post/membership history about public people. It also provides an API for retrieving the identity and post data about persons, and an interface for administrators to manage the person data.
Person data is in the Popolo standard. We get our baseline data from Peoples' Assembly, but we can correct it directly in this database.
On the server:
- uses dj-database-url for database URL injection
- uses django-pipeline for asset compilation and fingerprinting
- uses pyscss for compiling SCSS to CSS
- Bower to install assets
- better debugging with
python runserver_plus
from django-extensions - cookies for session storage
On the client:
- JQuery
- Google Analytics
- Bootstrap
- FontAwesome
Configuration for running the server and database in docker-compose has been provided. The simplest way to get up and running is using docker-compose but nothing strictly depends on it, so feel free to set up another way, bearing in mind that less support would be available.
The following only has to be run the first time you set up your development environment, or when you've deleted the database volume and want to set it up again.
Clone this git repository and change into the repository directory.
Start and create the database - this will keep the docker-compose log running in this shell
docker-compose up db
- Then in another shell prompt, initialise the database and superuser:
docker-compose run --rm web python migrate
docker-compose run --rm web python createsuperuser
- Start the sample data server
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up -d dev-data
- Load some example popolo data:
docker-compose run --rm web python popolo_sources_update --create http://dev-data:8001/pombola.json
Then you can run the server
docker-compose up -d web
You can log in as your new superuser and explore the data using the admin interface at http://localhost:8000/admin and the public interface at http://localhost:8000/
Search for one of the names in the example popolo data to see the site working.
Subsequently, you only need to start the database and server with
docker-compose up
There are two ways to reset the development database back to the way it's just been set up:
The popolo data can be loaded again, which will "update" it back to its current state, but not delete anything you've added manually:
docker-compose run --rm web python popolo_sources_update http://dev-data:8001/pombola.json
Or you can delete the database server and its data and set up your development environment from scratch:
docker-compose rm -sfv
docker volume ls; docker volume rm public-people-data_db-data
- Put javascript into
- Put SCSS stylesheets into
- Install new asset packs with Bower:
bower install -Sp package-to-install
- Get better debugging with
python runserver_plus
Production deployment is based on running the app on dokku
dokku apps:create publicpeople
dokku config:set DATABASE_URL=postgresql://.../publicpeople \
DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=some-secret-key \
After pushing to the dokku git remote:
dokku run publicpeople python migrate
dokku run publicpeople python createsuperuser
git push dokku master
The first time, create the source
dokku run publicpeople python app/ popolo_sources_update --create
Subsequently, just update (without --create
dokku run publicpeople python app/ popolo_sources_update
The People API can be explored interactively at
An example query to the News API
MIT License
- Repo structure based on
- REST API based on