159 commits
to master
since this release
Important: If you had a previous version of OuroborosMines installed it is highly recommended to backup your config.yml
by moving or renaming. Once you ran the plugin for the first time, you can copy your previous settings from your old config.yml
into the new config.yml
- Implemented auto-pickup (as described in #25): This features transfers items directly into the players inventory. If the inventory is full, the items will be dropped as usual.
- Implemented opening-hours (as described in #26): Opening hours bring a completely new feature. You can now configure your mines to be opened at specific times. Setting up opening-hours isn't that easy, as it can get really complex and it's highly recommended to read the docs. If you need help with setting everything up, you can contact Th3Shadowbroker on his discord (an invite link is the plugin's spigot page!).
- Implemented priority support (as described in #27): OuroborosMines now takes WorldGuard priorities into account. This means, that you can define a mining region within another mining region. You can now set the priority of the included region higher than the priority of its parents region to ensure, that the correct region-configuration is applied.