A simple logic scheme visualizer, allowing the user to create, edit, load and save, export and run different logic schemes.
Made in collaboration with Tudor Bălan.
Built using C and C++, utilizing the graphics.h
and winbgim.h
libraries for the GUI.
In order to start the program, run the main.exe
file. This will open a console and another window. Operating the program won't require any console interraction, it is there simply for debugging.
Currently unavailable, will follow up with a way to build the program from the source code soon. For now, it can only be ran by running the main.exe
We'll walk you through some of the things you can do in InterSchem.
To insert a block, simply click on the Insert
button. The insert menu will show up on the left hand side where you can select the type of block you wish to insert.
There are numerous blocks to choose from. A valid logic scheme must always have a Start
block and a Stop
block. Other blocks will require an input from the user before being inserted.
In order to connect two blocks, simply click on the circle belonging to the starting block to commence pairing. After that, click on the block you wish to be connected to.
All blocks may have multiple inputs but only one output per circle.
To delete a connection, right click on the circle of the starting block. Holding down right click will highlight all the connections about to be removed in red.
To delete a block, right click on the block. Holding down right click will highlight all of the connections about to be removed when the block will be removed in red.
Pressing the File
button will prompt the user to enter the name of a file. This file will be read from when pressing the Load
button in order to load a logic scheme (complete or incomplete). InterSchem uses its own file type in order to store information about a logic scheme. By default, Load
reads from input.sch
Pressing the Save
button will encode the scheme into a file that the program can read from later on using Load
. You can set the name of the file by pressing File
and writing the name before pressing Save
. By default Save
writes to the input.sch
Pressing the Run
button will prompt the program to run the logic scheme the user has created only if the logic scheme is correct. In order to be correct, a logic scheme must only have one Start
block, one Stop
block and all blocks must be connected between each other.