- [30m] 📚 TT: Course Introduction
- [30m] ☀️ Warm Up: StackShare Scavenger Hunt
- [10m] 🌴 Break
- [50m] 💻 Activity: Your First Docker Container
By the end of this class, you'll be able to…
- Identify and describe the course learning objectives, assignments, and projects.
- Compare and contrast stacks that utilized container-based applications.
- Build and run a Docker container!
Instructor will review the course syllabus, assignments, and projects.
At the end of the introduction, ask students to register for the course in Gradescope.
Complete the StackShare Scavenger Hunt worksheet, then submit it in Gradescope.
Complete Tutorial 1: Your First Linux Containers. If you finish early, assist the other members of your breakout if they get stuck!