- Method:
- URL:
- Request Body:
{ "transactionId": "string", "walletAddress": "string" }
- Response:
- Success (200):
{ "message": "success", "transactionId": "string", "amountPaid": "number", "amountSent": "number", "walletAddress": "string" }
- Error (400):
{ "message": "Transaction ID {transactionId} is not valid" }
- Error (500):
{ "message": "Please contact customer service with the ID {transactionId}" }
- Success (200):
- Method:
- URL:
- Request Body:
{ "password": "string", "walletAddress": "string" }
- Response:
- Success (200):
{ "encrypted_mnemonic": "string", "walletAddressPublicKey": "string" }
- Error (500):
{ "message": "create wallet failed" }
- Success (200):
- Method:
- URL:
- Request Body:
{ "amount": "number" }
- Response:
- Success (200):
{ "message": "success", "transactionId": "string" }
- Error (500):
{ "message": "Can't mock pay at the moment" }
- Success (200):
- Method:
- URL:
- Request Body:
{ "encryptedData": "string", "password": "string", "amount": "number", "walletAddress": "string", "recipientAddress": "string" }
- Response:
- Success (200):
{ "message": "Decryption successful", "result": "any" }
- Error (400):
{ "errors": [ { "msg": "encryptedData is required", "param": "encryptedData" }, { "msg": "password is required", "param": "password" }, { "msg": "amount must be a number", "param": "amount" }, { "msg": "walletAddress is required", "param": "walletAddress" }, { "msg": "recipientAddress is required", "param": "recipientAddress" } ] }
- Error (500):
{ "message": "Decryption failed" }
- Success (200):
- Method:
- URL:
- Response:
- Success (200):
{ "usd": "number" }
- Error (500):
{ "message": "Could not get current rate" }
- Success (200):
- Ensure that the server is running on the specified base URL before making requests.
- All endpoints require proper validation of input data.
- Error messages may vary based on the implementation and error handling in the codebase.