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PSVita ELF builder

dots-tb edited this page Mar 27, 2018 · 1 revision

PSVita-ELF-builder usage

To reverse PSVita, you need some dumps of the PSVita modules. These dumps are either memory dumps (St4rk's vitadump) or decrypted SELF (vitaDecrypt).

Now you also have a ALL IN ONE solution: vDump. But in case you want to decrypt quickly a lot of SELFs, you will keep using vitaDecrypt.

vitaDecrypt outputs only compressed decrypted segments. But you have to decompress these segments, or better, convert to ELF file format. This is the aim of this tool.

The output .elf are valid for RE and they can also be rebuilded into SELF using vita-make-fself.

Usage :

  1. In os0-, ud0- and vs0-, place the REAL files of your PSVita filesystem.
  2. In ux0-/dump/, place the out folder that you got using vitadecrypt.
  3. To rebuild ELF, on Windows run _RUNME.BAT.
  4. After having rebuilded ELF, to rebuild SELF, on Windows run BATCH_MAKE_FSELF.BAT.
  5. You can now use the ELFs in vitadecompiler, IDA, or radare2 or simply use an hexadecimal editor to look into them.

You can also hexedit as you want the ELFs then transform them into SELFs.

WARNING : NEVER WRITE to your PSVita os0 nor vs0:.

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