Changes that have been applied in the latest upload based on the outcomes of the workshop 13-14 May 2019
The topographical modelling of geometries and LODs of network features has substantially been refined by introducing
- lod1/2/3ImplicitRepresentation associated with the class "ImplicitGeometry"
- lod1/2/3Solid associated with the class "GM_Solid"
- lod0/2/3MultiSurface associated with the class "GM_MultiSurface"
- lod0Curve associated with the class "GM_Curve"
- lod0Point associated with the classe "GM_Point" (see issue #11)
- lod2/3SweepGeometry linking the newly introduced class "SweepGeometry" which in turn is associated with "GM_Polygon" and "GM_Curve"
- To be compliant with CityGML 3.0, LoD4 was not introduced.
All role names (with few exceptions) use now the name of the target class as role name, starting with a lower case letter. This complies with CityGML 3.0.
Class "Actor":
- The class was replaced by the class "RelatedParty" including the classes "Party" and "ContactType" and the code list "RoleValue".
Class "AbstractNetworkFeature":
- A new attribute "relatedParty" was added. The associations "owner" and "operator" from "AbstractNetworkFeature" to "Actor" were removed.
- A new attribute "measuredLength" was added.
- The multiplicity of the role "topoGraph" was changed to [0..*].
Class "Network":
- A new attribute "relatedParty" was added.
- The multiplicity of the role "topoGraph" was changed to [0..*].
Data type "AbstractSignature":
- The data type was replaced by the new code list "SignatureType".
Class "Node" / Class "AbstractLink" / Data type "AbstractLinkControl":
- The attribute "linkControl" was removed from the classes "Node" and "AbstractLink".
- The data type was removed as well, as it no longer used by any attribute after having removed the attribute "linkControl".
Enumeration "StatusValue":
- The enumeration was replaced by a code list with the same name.
- The values 'underConstruction', 'planned', and 'blocked' were added to the code list.
Class "NetworkGraph":
- A new attribute "representation" was added together with an enumeration "RepresentationValue".
Package "HollowSpace":
- The package, including the classes "AbstractHollowSpace", "HollowSpace", and "HollowSpacePart", was deleted from the UML model.
Class "Cable":
- The type of the attribute "crossSection" was changed from "Length" to "Area".
The package "Feature Material" was revised:
- The class "AbstractFeatureMaterial" was renamed to "Material" and has now an association to the class "ExternalReference".
- The classes "Construction" and "MaterialLayer" were introduced.
- The classes "FillingMaterial", "ExteriorMaterial", and "InteriorMaterial" were removed. These concepts are now expressed by the new classes "Construction" and "MaterialLayer" as well as the association "fillingMaterial" from "AbstractNetworkFeature" to "AbstractMaterial".
The package "NetworkProperties" was revised:
- The classes "AbstractHazardClassifier", its subclasses "ChemicalClassifier", GHSClassifier, and "GenericClassifier" as well as the enumeration "SignalWordValue" were removed.
- The class "AbstractCommodity" was renamed to "AbstractMedium" and has now an association to the class "ExternalReference".
- A new class "PhaseChangeMedium" was introduced. To be able to express that a phase change medium aggregates two single types of medium, a new class "AbstractSingleMedium" was introduced as super class of the classes "LiquidMedium", "SolidMedium", "GaseousMedium", "OpticalMedium", and "ElectricalMedium".
- The attributes of the subclasses were refined.
- The attribute "owner" was removed from the class "AbstractMedium". Instead, the value "ownerOfMedium" was added to the code list "RoleValue" in the package "Core".
Class "ProtectiveElement" and class "AbstractProtectionShell":
- The classes were renamed to "EnclosingElement" and "AbstractEnclosingShell", respectively.
Class "_AbstractBuilding":
- The attribute "buildingHabitants" was replaced by the attribute "occupancy" including the data type "Occupancy" and the code lists "IntervalValue" and "OccupantTypeValue" from CityGML 3.0.
A new Electricity network package was added which defines components specific to electricity networks.
To provide information on the owner and operator of networks, a new class "Actor" was introduced as well as the associations "owner" and "operator" between "Actor" and "AbstractNetworkFeature".
Class Network:
- The data type "Code" was replaced by the enumerations defined in the UML model.
Classes "InteriorFeatureLink", "InterFeatureLink", and "NetworkLink":
- The constraints were revised.
Class "AbstractNetworkFeature":
- The attribute "yearOfConstruction" was renamed into "dateOfConstruction", because the attribute name and its data type "Date" contradict each other.
- The attribute "connectedCityObject" of type "URI" was remodelled into an association that references now the class "AbstractCityObject" of the CityGML core model.
Code list "FunctionValue":
- The value 'feeding' was replaced by 'producing'
- The value 'draining' was replaced by 'consuming'
- The value 'presuming' was added to the code list
Classes "SemiOpen" and "Closed":
- The classes were renamed into "SemiOpenCanal" and "ClosedCanal".
Class Cable:
- The attribute "isTransmission" was renamed into "isDistribution".
The functional components were restructured:
- The class "AbstractFunctionalElement" was introduced as base class for all classes representing functional components.
- The classes "SimpleFunctionalElement" and "ComplexFunctionalElement" were renamed to "SimpleFunctionalComponent" and "ComplexFunctionalComponent", respectively, and are now subclasses of "AbstractFunctionalElement".
- The class "AbstractDevice" was removed, the subclasses of this class are now subclasses of "SimpleFunctionalComponent". Also, "TerminalElement" became a subclass of "SimpleFunctionalComponent".
- The classes "ControllerDevice", "MeasurementDevice", "StorageDevice", "TerminalElement", and "AnyDevice" were renamed to "ControllerComponent", "MeasurementComponent", "StorageComponent", "TerminalComponent", and "OtherComponent".
- A new class "ConnectionComponent" was introduced.
- The class "TechDevice" was removed.
Classes "LiquidMedium" and "SolidMedium":
- The attribute "flammable" was renamed into "flammabilityRatio", because the data type of the attribute is "DoubleBetween0and1".
Class "GaseousMedium":
- The attribute "electricConductivity" was renamed into "electricConductivityRange" to comply with the names of the other attributes of the data type "QuantityExtent".
- The attribute "lighterThanAir" was renamed into "isLighterThanAir", because the data type of the attribute is "Boolean".
- Class "AbstractCommodityClassifier":
- The attribute "description" was removed, as it is already inherited from the class AbstractGML.
- The class was renamed into "AbstractHazardClassifier", as the class is not only used by "AbstractCommodity" but also by "AbstractFeatureMaterial" and "AbstractHollowSpace".