List of Programs:
1. Introduction to basic Linux networking commands. (Commands like ipconfig, getmac, tracert, pathping, arp, ping, netstat, finger etc.)
2. Implementing Bit Stuffing and De-Stuffing.
3. A program for Hamming code generation for error detection and correction.
4. Implementing Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC).
5. A program for Congestion Control using the Leaky Bucket algorithm.
6. Implementing Dijkstra’s algorithm to compute a shortest path through graph.
7. Take a 64-bit plain text and encrypt the same using DES algorithm.
8. Using RSA algorithm encrypts a text data and decrypts the same.
9. Implementation of the link state routing protocols.
10. Implementation of LZW Compression and Decompression algorithms.
11. Implementation of Caesar Cipher.