This is a comprehensive SQL project in which the job market for data related careers are explored. Data is imported into PostgreSQL database using VScode. Data was imported from csv files (saved locally). Using the create_table operation, four different tables are created. These tables are used to carry out the analysis.
- job_postings_fact
- company_dim
- skills_dim_job
- skills_dim
Statement 01: Find the top 10 highest paying remote jobs for Data Analyst. Make sure to filter the job_tile_short by Data Analyst
Top 3 comapnies are Mantys with yearly salary of $650,000, followed by Meta with yearly salary of $336,500. At third, we have AT&T with yearly salary of $229,829
SQL, Python and R are the top 3 skills needed for these highest paying jobs
For a data analyst, the most in-demand skills are SQL, Excel, Python, Tableau and Power BI. These are present in descending order(SQL has the most demand)
SVN, Solidity and Couchbase are the most promising skllls based on yearly salary. But these are very less in demand
Statement 05: Find the most optimal(high demand and top paying) skills for Data Analyst. Focus on remote job posting
The most promising skills based on highest demand and average salary are Python, R, Tableau, SAS, Power BI and SQL. For skills in intermediate demand we have go, hadoop and snowflake as most promising with an average yearly salary of approximately $115.3k, $113.1k and $112.9k respectively. However the average salary for Python and R is $101,397 and $100,499 respectively.