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CraftRegions Manual
Josh Johnson edited this page Apr 20, 2020
1 revision
The following permissions are recognized by CraftRegions
- craftregions.accessall: ignores accessible
Data types:
- int - parsed as an int using Integer.parseInt()
- bool - "true", "yes", "allow", "false, "no", "deny"
- str - it's a string
- list - string list. Split on colons?
- null - "", "null" or "none"
To force a datatype, prefix your property with it, and a colon. Ex:
/crprop set region enterMessage str:
... will blank the property for the region to an empty string and override overlapping properties
The following CraftRegions properties are enforced by the core plugin:
- inheritance: string
- priority: int
- pvp: boolean
- canDamagePlayers: boolean
- canBeDamagedByPlayers: boolean
- canDamageMobs: boolean
- canBeDamagedByMobs: boolean
- accessible: boolean
- inaccessibleAction: one of: "burn"
- enterMessage: string
- gameMode: string (converted to enum org.bukkit.GameMode)
- canExit: boolean
- exitMessage: string
- construct: boolean
- lockedAction: one of: "allow", "lock", "spawn", "warp"
- onTopIsLocked: boolean
- canEnderPearlTo: boolean
- canEnderPearlFrom: boolean
- allowPortalTeleport: boolean
- canBeDamaged: boolean
- canBeDamagedByExplosions: boolean (EntityDamage)
- canBeDamagedByExplosives: boolean (EntityDamageByEntity)
- canBeDamagedByFalling: boolean
- canBeDamagedByFire: boolean
- canSleep: boolean
- allowFireSpread: boolean
- allowLavaFire: boolean
- allowLightningFire: boolean
- canIgnite: boolean
- canDestroyVehicles: boolean
- canInteract: boolean
- canOpenChests: boolean
- canDye: boolean
- canUseRedstone: boolean
- canOpenDoors: boolean
- canPlaceVehicles: boolean
- noHunger: boolean
- canDropItems: boolean
- canPickUpItems: boolean
- canCraft: boolean
- allowExternalPistons
- allowTreeGrow
- allowFireballDestruction
- allowExplosiveDestruction (instanceof Explosive or default)
- allowMobExplosionDestruction (instanceof LivingEntity)
- allowSpawnEggs
- allowMobSpawning
- allowNaturalSpawning
- allowGolemSpawning
- allowPluginSpawning
- allowSpawners
- allowEndermanBlockChange
- allowWitherBlockDelete
- allowFallingBlockDrop
- allowWaterFlow
- allowLavaFlow
- allowFireSpread
- allowPlantSpread
The following CraftRegions properties are enforced by other plugins:
- portalServer: string
- portalRespawnLoc: string (format: world:x,y,z,yaw,pitch) (pitch and yaw are optional)
- portalCommand: string (
is replaced with the player name) - portalCommandAsOp: boolean
- buttonCommand: string (
is replaced with the player name) - buttonCommandAsOp: boolean
The following are likely broken somehow
- allowNaturalSpawning (chunkgen is deprecated, new mob spawn reasons)
- allowItemPickup (event is deprecated and replaced)
- allowFlow (using LEGACY stationary liquids)
- allowChunkUnload (event is un-cancellable)