PowerPi shutdown service runs on a computer which you would like PowerPi to be able to control, (like those that can be started with wake-on-LAN using the network_controller).
The service is built using Go.
The service can be built using the provided Makefile and the following commands:
# From the root of your PowerPi checkout
cd services/shutdown
# For a 64-bit Linux ARM binary
make TARGET_ARCH=arm64
# For a 32-bit Linux ARM binary
make TARGET_ARCH=arm
# For a 64-bit Linux binary
make TARGET_ARCH=amd64
# For a 32-bit Linux binary
make TARGET_ARCH=386
This service also provides a systemctl service script to allow it to be installed as a service on Linux, this can be installed as follows:
# From the root of your PowerPi checkout
cd services/shutdown
# First compile for your desired architecture
make TARGET_ARCH=arm64
# Copy the compiled binary to the computer
scp ./bin/powerpi_shutdown_linux_arm64 HOST:~/
# Edit the file powerpi-shutdown.service to set the --host parameter to your MQTT hostname, and --password parameter to the path on the host computer where the password file will be e.g. /root/.powerpi-password
scp ./powerpi-shutdown.service HOST:~/
# Now SSH into the computer to perform the install
# Copy the powerpi_shutdown binary you built earlier to the right place and make it executable
sudo mv ~/powerpi_shutdown_linux_arm64 /usr/local/powerpi_shutdown
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/powerpi_shutdown
# Get the password from kubernetes and set the permissions on the file
# Replace /root/.powerpi-password with the path you set in the previous step
kubectl get secrets -n powerpi mosquitto-device-secret --template={{.data.password}} | base64 --decode # note down this password
# Add the password from the previous step to this file
nano /root/.powerpi-password
chmod 600 /root/.powerpi-password
# Now we'll install the service
sudo mv ~/powerpi-shutdown.service /lib/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable powerpi-shutdown.service
sudo systemctl start powerpi-shutdown.service
# To see the log entries for the service, you can view the journal
journalctl -t powerpi_shutdown
The service takes the following command line arguments:
If true allow a message within 2 minutes of service starting to initiate a shutdown
-host string
The hostname of the MQTT broker (default "localhost")
Whether to actually shutdown or not
-password string
The path to the password file (default "undefined")
-port int
The port number for the MQTT broker (default 1883)
-topic string
The topic base for the MQTT broker (default "powerpi")
-user string
The username for the MQTT broker (default "device")
There are currently no automated tests for this service.
The service can be started locally with the following commands.
# From the root of your PowerPi checkout
cd services/shutdown/src
# Show the help file which will tell you the command line options, as explained above
go run powerpi/shutdown --help