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gdtschuller committed Jul 23, 2018
1 parent baa9720 commit 258ef22
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Showing 8 changed files with 296 additions and 11 deletions.
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Feb 04 17:59:00 2016
from Matlab
@author: Tobias Heinl, Gerald Schuller
Function extracts analysis baseband impulse response (reverse window function)
from the folding matrix Fa of a cosine
modulated filter bank, with modulation function for the analysis IR :

def Fa2h(Fa):
""" Function extracts analysis baseband impulse response (reverse window function)
from the folding matrix Fa of a cosine modulated filter bank.
import numpy as np
from polmatmult import polmatmult
[N,y,blocks] = np.shape(Fa)
h0 = np.zeros(blocks * N)
#First column of DCT-4:
T = np.zeros((N,1,1))
#Compute first column of Polyphase matrix Pa(z):
Pa = polmatmult(Fa,T)
#Extract impulse response h0(n):
for m in range(blocks):
h0[m*N+np.arange(N)] = np.flipud(Pa[:,0,m])
#Baseband prototype h(n), divide by modulation func.:
#h = h0 / np.cos(np.pi/N*0.5*(np.arange(blocks*N)+ 0.5+(N/2)))
h = -h0 / np.cos(np.pi/N*0.5*(np.arange(blocks*N-1,-1,-1)+ 0.5-(N/2)))
return h;

if __name__ == '__main__':
import numpy as np
from symFmatrix import *
from Dmatrix import *
from polmatmult import *
print("f=", f)
print("Faz=", Faz[:,:,0],"\n", Faz[:,:,1])
print("h=", h)

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Expand Up @@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ def MDCTsynfb(y,fb):
#Filter bank coefficients, 1.5*N of sine window:
#Filter bank coefficients for sine window:
fb=np.loadtxt("MDCTcoeff.txt") #Coeff. from optimization
print("fb=", fb)
#input test signal, ramp:
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions PythonPsychoacoustics/
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Expand Up @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ def MDCT_psayac_quant_enc(x,fs,fb,N, nfilts=64,quality=100):
#y: the MDCT subbands,
#mTbarkquant: The quantied masking threshold in the Bark domain
#usage: yq, y, mTbarkquant =MDCT_psayac_quant_enc(x,fs,fb,N)

print("quality=", quality)
alpha=0.8 #Exponent for non-linear superposition of spreading functions
nfft=2*N #number of fft subbands
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ def MDCT_psayac_quant_enc(x,fs,fb,N, nfilts=64,quality=100):
for m in range(M): #M: number of blocks
#Observe: MDCT instead of STFT as input can be used by replacing ys by y:
#Logarithmic quantization of the "scalefactors":
mTbarkquant[:,m]=np.round(np.log2(mTbark)*4) #quantized scalefactors
mTbarkquant[:,m]=np.clip(mTbarkquant[:,m],0,None) #dequantized is at least 1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ def MDCTsyn_dequant_dec(yq, mTbarkquant, fs, fb, N, nfilts=64):
print("Encoder part:")
#MDCT and quantization:
yq, y, mTbarkquant = MDCT_psayac_quant_enc(x,fs,fb,N, nfilts,quality=60.0)
yq, y, mTbarkquant = MDCT_psayac_quant_enc(x,fs,fb,N, nfilts,quality=60)

print("Decoder part:")
xrek, mT, ydeq = MDCTsyn_dequant_dec(yq, mTbarkquant, fs, fb, N, nfilts)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ def MDCTsyn_dequant_dec(yq, mTbarkquant, fs, fb, N, nfilts=64):
plt.ylabel("Normalized Frequency (pi is Nyquist freq.)")

plt.title("The reconstructed audio signal")

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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions PythonPsychoacoustics/
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Expand Up @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ def f_SP_dB(maxfreq,nfilts):
def spreadingfunctionmat(spreadingfunctionBarkdB,alpha,nfilts):
#Turns the spreading prototype function into a matrix of shifted versions.
#Convert from dB to "voltage" and include alpha exponent
#nfilts: Number of subbands in the Bark domain, for instance 64
#Spreading functions for all bark scale bands in a matrix:
Expand All @@ -33,17 +34,16 @@ def spreadingfunctionmat(spreadingfunctionBarkdB,alpha,nfilts):

def maskingThresholdBark(mXbark,spreadingfuncmatrix,alpha,fs,nfilts):
#Computes the masking threshold on the Bark scale with non-linear superposition
#usage: mTbark=maskingThresholdBark(mXbark,spreadingfuncmatrix,alpha)
#Arg: mXbark: magnitude of FFT spectrum, on the Bark scale
#spreadingfuncmatrix: spreading function matrix from function spreadingfunctionmat
#alpha: exponent for non-linear superposition (eg. 0.6),
#fs: sampling freq., nfilts: number of Bark subbands
#return: masking threshold as "voltage" on Bark scale
#mTbark: the resulting Masking Threshold on the Bark scale
#nfilts: Number of subbands in the Bark domain, for instance 64
#Returns: mTbark: the resulting Masking Threshold on the Bark scale

#Compute the non-linear superposition:**alpha, spreadingfuncmatrix**alpha)
#apply the inverse exponent to the result:
Expand Down
17 changes: 16 additions & 1 deletion
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Expand Up @@ -55,6 +55,21 @@ For the binary file, the library "pickle" is needed, it can be installed with

sudo pip3 install pickle

** Filter Bank Optimization

Gerald Schuller,, June 2018.
The folder also contains a few programs which show how to optimize different types of filter banks, with regard to their filter characteristics.

The following runs an optimization for an MDCT, in this example for N=4 subbands (and filter length 2N=8),


This runs an optimization for a Low Delay Filter Bank, also for N=4, but filter length 3N=12, and system delay of 7 (including blocking delay of N-1=3, which doesn't show up in file based examples),


The last runs an optimization for a PQMF filter bank, for N=4 subbands and filter length 8N=32, and system delay of 31 (including the blocking delay of N-1=3),


Gerald Schuller,, July 2018.

77 changes: 77 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Program to optimize cosine modulated low delay filter banks.
Gerald Schuller, July 2018

import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import scipy.signal as sig
from symFmatrix import symFmatrix
from polmatmult import polmatmult
from Dmatrix import Dmatrix
from Fa2h import Fa2h
from Gmatrix import Gmatrix

def optimfuncLDFB(x,N):
'''function for optimizing an MDCT type filter bank.
x: unknown matrix coefficients, N: Number of subbands.
#Analysis folding matrix:
Fa = symFmatrix(x[0:int(1.5*N)])
Faz = polmatmult(Fa,Dmatrix(N))
Faz = polmatmult(Faz,Gmatrix(x[int(1.5*N):(2*N)]))
#baseband prototype function h:
h = Fa2h(Faz)
#'Fa2h is returning 2D array. Squeeze to make it 1D'
#h= np.squeeze(h)

#Frequency response of the the baseband prototype function at 1024 frequency sampling points
#between 0 and Nyquist:
w,H = sig.freqz(h,1,1024)
#desired frequency response
#Limit of desired pass band (passband is between -pb and +pb, hence ../2)
pb = int(1024/N/2.0)
#Ideal desired frequency response:
Hdes = np.concatenate((np.ones(pb),np.zeros(1024-pb)))
#transition band width to allow filter transition from pass band to stop band:
tb = int(np.round(1.0*pb))
#Weights for differently weighting errors in pass band, transition band and stop band:
weights = np.concatenate((1.0*np.ones(pb), np.zeros(tb),1000*np.ones(1024-pb-tb)))
#Resulting total error number as the sum of all weighted errors:
err = np.sum(np.abs(H-Hdes)*weights)
return err

if __name__ == '__main__': #run the optimization
import scipy as sp
import scipy.signal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

N=4 #number of subbands
xmin = sp.optimize.differential_evolution(optimfuncLDFB, bounds, args=(N,), disp=True)
print("error after optim.=",
print("optimized coefficients=",xmin.x)
np.savetxt("LDFBcoeff.txt", xmin.x)
#Baseband Impulse Response:
Fa = symFmatrix(x[0:int(1.5*N)])
#print("Fa=", Fa[:,:,0])
Faz = polmatmult(Fa,Dmatrix(N))
Faz = polmatmult(Faz,Gmatrix(x[int(1.5*N):(2*N)]))
h = Fa2h(Faz)
plt.title('Baseband Impulse Response of the Low Delay Filter Bank')
#Magnitude Response:
plt.axis([0, 3.14, -60,20])
plt.xlabel('Normalized Frequency')
plt.ylabel('Magnitude (dB)')
plt.title('Mag. Frequency Response of the Low Delay Filter Bank')
69 changes: 69 additions & 0 deletions
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Program for optimizing an MDCT type filter bank with N subbands.
Gerald Schuller, July 2018

def optimfuncMDCT(x, N):
"""Computes the error function for the filter bank optimization
for coefficients x, a 1-d array, N: Number of subbands"""
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as sig
from polmatmult import polmatmult
from Dmatrix import Dmatrix
from symFmatrix import symFmatrix
from Fa2h import Fa2h

#x = np.transpose(x)
Fa = symFmatrix(x)
D = Dmatrix(N)
Faz = polmatmult(Fa,D)
h = Fa2h(Faz)
h = np.hstack(h)
w, H = sig.freqz(h,1,1024)
pb = int(1024/N/2)
Hdes = np.concatenate((np.ones((pb,1)) , np.zeros(((1024-pb, 1)))), axis = 0)
tb = np.round(pb)
weights = np.concatenate((np.ones((pb,1)) , np.zeros((tb, 1)), 1000*np.ones((1024-pb-tb,1))), axis = 0)
err = np.sum(np.abs(H-Hdes)*weights)
return err

if __name__ == '__main__': #run the optimization
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import scipy.optimize
import scipy.signal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from symFmatrix import symFmatrix
from polmatmult import polmatmult
from Dmatrix import Dmatrix
from Fa2h import Fa2h

#Start optimization with some starting point:
x0 = -np.random.rand(int(1.5*N))
print("starting error=", optimfuncMDCT(x0, N)) #test optim. function
xmin = sp.optimize.minimize(optimfuncMDCT, x0, args=(N,), options={'disp':True})
print("optimized coefficients=", xmin.x)
np.savetxt("MDCTcoeff.txt", xmin.x)
print("error after optim.=", optimfuncMDCT(xmin.x, N))
#Baseband Impulse Response:
Fa = symFmatrix(xmin.x)
Faz = polmatmult(Fa, Dmatrix(N))
h = Fa2h(Faz)
print("h=", h)
plt.title('Baseband Impulse Response of our Optimized MDCT Filter Bank')
#Magnitude Response:
plt.axis([0, 3.14, -60,20])
plt.xlabel('Normalized Frequency')
plt.ylabel('Magnitude (dB)')
plt.title('Mag. Frequency Response of the MDCT Filter Bank')

72 changes: 72 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Python programs to optimize an PQMF filter bank with N subbands
Gerald Schuller, July 2018

from __future__ import print_function
def optimfuncQMF(x,N):
"""Optimization function for a PQMF Filterbank
x: coefficients to optimize (first half of prototype h), N: Number of subbands
err: resulting total error
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import scipy.signal as sig

h = np.append(x,np.flipud(x));
#H = sp.freqz(h,1,512,whole=True)
f,H_im = sig.freqz(h)
H=np.abs(H_im) #only keeping the real part
posfreq = np.square(H[0:int(512/N)]);
#Negative frequencies are symmetric around 0:
negfreq = np.flipud(np.square(H[0:int(512/N)]))
#Sum of magnitude squared frequency responses should be close to unity (or N)
unitycond = np.sum(np.abs(posfreq+negfreq - 2*(N*N)*np.ones(int(512/N))))/512;
#High attenuation after the next subband:
att = np.sum(np.abs(H[int(1.5*512/N):]))/512;
#Total (weighted) error:
err = unitycond + 100*att;
return err

if __name__ == '__main__': #run the optimization
from scipy.optimize import minimize
import scipy as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

N=4 #Number of subbands
#Start optimization with "good" starting point:
x0 = 16*sp.ones(4*N)
print("starting error=", optimfuncQMF(x0,N)) #test optim. function
xmin = minimize(optimfuncQMF,x0, args=(N,), method='SLSQP')
print("error after optim.=",
print("optimized coefficients=",xmin.x)
#Store the found coefficients in a text file:
sp.savetxt("QMFcoeff.txt", xmin.x)
#we compute the resulting baseband prototype function:
h = sp.concatenate((xmin.x,sp.flipud(xmin.x)))
plt.title('Baseband Impulse Response of the Optimized PQMF Filter Bank')
#The corresponding frequency response:
plt.axis([0, 3.14, -100,20])
plt.xlabel('Normalized Frequency')
plt.ylabel('Magnitude (dB)')
plt.title('Mag. Frequency Response of the PQMF Filter Bank')
#Checking the "unity condition":
posfreq = sp.square(abs(H[0:int(512/N)]));
negfreq = sp.flipud(sp.square(abs(H[0:int(512/N)])))
plt.xlabel('Frequency (512 is Nyquist)')
plt.title('Unity Condition, Sum of Squared Magnitude of 2 Neigh. Subbands')

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