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ProtectorRTD committed Nov 11, 2024
1 parent e750a50 commit 984bef2
Showing 1 changed file with 30 additions and 7 deletions.
37 changes: 30 additions & 7 deletions src/main/resources/scripts/setup.sql
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,35 @@
INSERT INTO books (source_acronym, name, alt_name, english_name, description, type, year)
VALUES ('PHB', 'ПХБ', 'S', 'PHB', 'Player Hands Book', 'OFFICIAL', 2024);

INSERT INTO sources (id, created_at, updated_at, page, book_info_id) VALUES (1, '2024-11-07 20:10:00.731818', '2024-11-07 20:10:00.731818', 155, 'PHB');
INSERT INTO sources (id, created_at, updated_at, page, book_info_id) VALUES (2, '2024-11-07 20:10:00.808714', '2024-11-07 20:10:00.808714', 156, 'PHB');
INSERT INTO sources (page, created_at, id, updated_at, book_info_id) VALUES (155, '2024-11-07 20:10:00.731818', 1, '2024-11-07 20:10:00.731818', 'PHB');
INSERT INTO sources (page, created_at, id, updated_at, book_info_id) VALUES (156, '2024-11-07 20:10:00.808714', 2, '2024-11-07 20:10:00.808714', 'PHB');
INSERT INTO sources (page, created_at, id, updated_at, book_info_id) VALUES (181, '2024-11-11 22:17:31.755532', 3, '2024-11-11 22:17:31.755532', 'PHB');
INSERT INTO sources (page, created_at, id, updated_at, book_info_id) VALUES (181, '2024-11-11 22:17:31.796086', 4, '2024-11-11 22:17:31.796086', 'PHB');
INSERT INTO sources (page, created_at, id, updated_at, book_info_id) VALUES (181, '2024-11-11 22:17:41.462760', 5, '2024-11-11 22:17:41.462760', 'PHB');
INSERT INTO sources (page, created_at, id, updated_at, book_info_id) VALUES (181, '2024-11-11 22:17:41.464760', 6, '2024-11-11 22:17:41.464760', 'PHB');
INSERT INTO sources (page, created_at, id, updated_at, book_info_id) VALUES (202, '2024-11-11 22:22:20.761617', 7, '2024-11-11 22:22:20.761617', 'PHB');
INSERT INTO sources (page, created_at, id, updated_at, book_info_id) VALUES (202, '2024-11-11 22:22:20.764618', 8, '2024-11-11 22:22:20.764618', 'PHB');
INSERT INTO sources (page, created_at, id, updated_at, book_info_id) VALUES (202, '2024-11-11 22:22:20.766620', 9, '2024-11-11 22:22:20.767619', 'PHB');

INSERT INTO species (url, created_at, updated_at, alternative, description, english, image_url, is_hidden_entity, name, climb, dark_vision, fly, size, speed, swim, type, parent_id, source) VALUES ('assimar', '2024-11-07 20:10:00.839712', '2024-11-07 20:10:00.850710', 'Angel-blooded', 'Aasimar are mortals with celestial heritage. They have traits hinting at their divine ancestry, like glowing eyes or metallic freckles.', 'Aasimar', 'assimar/picture', false, 'Aasimar', 0, 60, 0, 'MEDIUM', 30, 0, 'HUMANOID', 'assimar', 1);
INSERT INTO species_features (url, created_at, updated_at, alternative, description, english, image_url, is_hidden_entity, name, feature_description, source, species_url) VALUES ('assimar/light-bearer', '2024-11-07 20:10:00.820711', '2024-11-07 20:10:00.847710', 'Light Carrier', 'You know the Light cantrip, allowing you to emit light to brighten your surroundings.', 'Light Bearer', 'assimar/picture', false, 'Light Bearer', 'This feature allows the aasimar to use the Light cantrip at will.', 2, 'assimar');
INSERT INTO species (climb, dark_vision, fly, is_hidden_entity, speed, swim, created_at, source, updated_at, alternative, description, english, image_url, name, parent_id, url, size, type) VALUES (0, 60, 0, false, 30, 0, '2024-11-07 20:10:00.839712', 1, '2024-11-07 20:10:00.850710', 'Angel-blooded', 'Aasimar are mortals with celestial heritage. They have traits hinting at their divine ancestry, like glowing eyes or metallic freckles.', 'Aasimar', 'assimar/picture', 'Aasimar', 'assimar', 'assimar', 'MEDIUM', 'HUMANOID');
INSERT INTO species (climb, dark_vision, fly, is_hidden_entity, speed, swim, created_at, source, updated_at, alternative, description, english, image_url, name, parent_id, url, size, type) VALUES (0, 60, 0, false, 30, 0, '2024-11-11 22:17:31.827950', 3, '2024-11-11 22:17:31.841945', 'Little People', 'Гномы – волшебные существа, созданные богами изобретений, иллюзий и подземной жизни. Они скрытные и обладают уникальными магическими способностями.', 'Gnome', 'gnome/picture', 'Гном', 'gnome', 'gnome', 'SMALL', 'HUMANOID');
INSERT INTO species (climb, dark_vision, fly, is_hidden_entity, speed, swim, created_at, source, updated_at, alternative, description, english, image_url, name, parent_id, url, size, type) VALUES (0, 60, 0, false, 30, 0, '2024-11-11 22:17:41.470760', 5, '2024-11-11 22:17:45.808278', 'Woodland Trickster', 'Лесные гномы живут в лесах и наделены магией иллюзий, чтобы защищаться и выживать.', 'Forest Gnome', 'gnome/forest/picture', 'Лесной Гном', 'gnome', 'forest-gnome', 'SMALL', 'HUMANOID');
INSERT INTO species (climb, dark_vision, fly, is_hidden_entity, speed, swim, created_at, source, updated_at, alternative, description, english, image_url, name, parent_id, url, size, type) VALUES (0, 60, 0, false, 30, 0, '2024-11-11 22:22:20.776619', 7, '2024-11-11 22:22:40.628185', 'Tinker Gnome', 'Горные гномы – изобретательные создания, способные создавать крошечные механические устройства.', 'Rock Gnome', 'gnome/rock/picture', 'Горный Гном', 'gnome', 'rock-gnome', 'SMALL', 'HUMANOID');

INSERT INTO entity_tags (entity_url, tag_value, tag_key) VALUES ('assimar/light-bearer', 'racial feature', 'aasimar');
INSERT INTO entity_tags (entity_url, tag_value, tag_key) VALUES ('assimar/light-bearer', 'illumination', 'light');
INSERT INTO entity_tags (entity_url, tag_value, tag_key) VALUES ('assimar/light-bearer', 'cantrip', 'magic');
INSERT INTO species_features (is_hidden_entity, created_at, source, updated_at, alternative, description, english, feature_description, image_url, name, species_url, url) VALUES (false, '2024-11-11 22:17:31.805949', 4, '2024-11-11 22:17:31.836948', null, 'Преимущество на спасброски Интеллекта, Мудрости и Харизмы.', 'Gnomish Cunning', 'Гномы обладают хитростью, позволяющей им противостоять ментальным эффектам.', null, 'Гномья Хитрость', 'gnome', 'gnome/gnomish-cunning');
INSERT INTO species_features (is_hidden_entity, created_at, source, updated_at, alternative, description, english, feature_description, image_url, name, species_url, url) VALUES (false, '2024-11-11 22:22:20.771620', 8, '2024-11-11 22:22:20.777618', null, 'Вы получаете удвоенное мастерство при проверке Истории, касающейся магических, алхимических или технологических объектов.', 'Artificer\'s Lore', 'Горные гномы хорошо разбираются в магических и технологических предметах.', null, 'Артифициерские знания', 'rock-gnome', 'rock-gnome/artificer-lore');
INSERT INTO species_features (is_hidden_entity, created_at, source, updated_at, alternative, description, english, feature_description, image_url, name, species_url, url) VALUES (false, '2024-11-07 20:10:00.820711', 2, '2024-11-07 20:10:00.847710', 'Light Carrier', 'You know the Light cantrip, allowing you to emit light to brighten your surroundings.', 'Light Bearer', 'This feature allows the aasimar to use the Light cantrip at will.', 'assimar/picture', 'Light Bearer', 'assimar', 'assimar/light-bearer');
INSERT INTO species_features (is_hidden_entity, created_at, source, updated_at, alternative, description, english, feature_description, image_url, name, species_url, url) VALUES (false, '2024-11-11 22:17:41.468761', 6, '2024-11-11 22:17:41.471761', null, 'Вы знаете заговор Малая Иллюзия.', 'Natural Illusionist', 'Лесные гномы умеют использовать Малую Иллюзию для маскировки и защиты.', null, 'Природный Иллюзионист', 'forest-gnome', 'forest-gnome/natural-illusionist');
INSERT INTO species_features (is_hidden_entity, created_at, source, updated_at, alternative, description, english, feature_description, image_url, name, species_url, url) VALUES (false, '2024-11-11 22:22:20.773619', 9, '2024-11-11 22:22:20.777618', null, 'Вы можете создавать небольшие механические устройства, такие как игрушка или музыкальная шкатулка.', 'Tinker', 'Горные гномы могут создавать механические устройства для различных целей.', null, 'Изобретатель', 'rock-gnome', 'rock-gnome/tinker');

INSERT INTO entity_tags (entity_url, tag_key, tag_value) VALUES ('assimar/light-bearer', 'aasimar', 'racial feature');
INSERT INTO entity_tags (entity_url, tag_key, tag_value) VALUES ('assimar/light-bearer', 'light', 'illumination');
INSERT INTO entity_tags (entity_url, tag_key, tag_value) VALUES ('assimar/light-bearer', 'magic', 'cantrip');
INSERT INTO entity_tags (entity_url, tag_key, tag_value) VALUES ('forest-gnome/natural-illusionist', 'gnome', 'racial feature');
INSERT INTO entity_tags (entity_url, tag_key, tag_value) VALUES ('forest-gnome/natural-illusionist', 'magic', 'illusion');
INSERT INTO entity_tags (entity_url, tag_key, tag_value) VALUES ('gnome/gnomish-cunning', 'gnome', 'racial feature');
INSERT INTO entity_tags (entity_url, tag_key, tag_value) VALUES ('gnome/gnomish-cunning', 'magic', 'resistance');
INSERT INTO entity_tags (entity_url, tag_key, tag_value) VALUES ('rock-gnome/artificer-lore', 'gnome', 'racial feature');
INSERT INTO entity_tags (entity_url, tag_key, tag_value) VALUES ('rock-gnome/artificer-lore', 'skill', 'lore');
INSERT INTO entity_tags (entity_url, tag_key, tag_value) VALUES ('rock-gnome/tinker', 'craft', 'mechanics');
INSERT INTO entity_tags (entity_url, tag_key, tag_value) VALUES ('rock-gnome/tinker', 'gnome', 'racial feature');

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