Make a copy of the .env_template
file in the top level of this repo, name it .env
, and populate the ARGILLA_AUTH_SECRET_KEY
var with a secret key.
Create a users file in the format shown in users_template.yaml
. Place this file in the top level of the repo, and name it .users.yaml
For the pinned version of the server we use, the hashed passwords must be constructed using bcrypt, as dictated in this file.
Explicitly, this means do the following to construct the hashed value of the password:
from passlib.context import CryptContext
_CRYPT_CONTEXT = CryptContext(schemes=["bcrypt"], deprecated="auto")
pw = "my-password"
hashed = _CRYPT_CONTEXT.hash(pw)
docker compose up
On startup one needs to exec into argilla server container:
docker exec -it argilla-instance-argilla-1 /bin/sh
and then run:
python -m argilla_server database users migrate
from within the server shell. This will create the users specified in the users yaml.
Spin down:
docker compose down
python --dataset='your-dataset-name' --workspace='your-workspace-name' --outpath='./path/to/your/desired/outfile.jsonl'
python --annotated_jsonl_paths './path/to/your/first/argilla/dump.jsonl' './path/to/your/second/argilla/dump.jsonl' --outpath './path/to/your/desired/outfile.json'