Configuration of the EBISPOT OLS via ansible.
Documentation see also
Perform the following steps in the terminal (Linux / macOS) or in the GitBash (Windows).
git clone
cd ebispot-ols-box
vagrant up
At the first start the script aborts with an error message, because vagrant is not able to reset the ssh connection. Then simply run ansible again with
vagrant reload --provision
When the installation is complete (a few minutes, depending on the download speed), the index can be opened in the browser
Use playbook_frontend.yml for frontend server installation, playbook_backend.yml for standalone backend server installation and playbook.yml for cloned server installation.
- Frontend installation further requires specifying the installation directory, inventory file for root privileges on that directory and backend mongodb_ip.
- It is also possible to customize branding variables, docker compose and docker files from group_vars.
- It is assumed that the same user name will be used both on frontend and backend machines.
- A proper /etc/exports file should be provided as backend_exports_file including the lines below. The lines should be modified according to network:
/home/user/ts-neo4j-data X.X.X.X(rw,sync,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check) /home/user/ts-downloads X.X.X.X(rw,sync,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)