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A dark theme about i3wm, include dunst, picom, polybar and rofi.

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A dark theme about i3wm, include dunst, picom, polybar and rofi.

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  • i3wm (or i3-gaps)
  • qt5ct, qt5-styleplugins (unified appearance between gtk and qt)
  • lxappearance-gtk3 (themes manager)
  • nm-applet (NetworkManager)
  • xfce4-power-manager (used to adjust backlight)
  • dunst (used to system notice)
  • picom (use jonaburg fork to enable blur-style and radius-style which default disable)
  • polybar
  • rofi
  • xfce4-terminal
  • feh (used to set background image)
  • redshift (used to set color temperature)
  • pulseaudio (pavucontrol)
  • blueman (blueman-manager)
  • gnome-keyring (password keyring manager, some applications to use it)

Other Applications

  • Gnome clocks (clock and timer)
  • Gnome todo (schedule)
  • Gnome screenshot (screenshot)



Unified Appearance (Qt and GTK)

set environment variable in /etc/profile
and run this command qt5ct in terminal

If you want the qt4/qt5 appearance the same as gtk theme, set style as gtk2.
You can also change the fonts setting.

more detail: Uniform look for Qt and GTK applications

Key Setting

It is basically the same as i3wm normal configure.
There are some new functional keys in this i3wmconfig:

  • mod + c open clock application
  • mod + T color temperature adjust
  • mod + F1 open the pulseaudio to control volume
  • mod + F4 open the bluetooth manager
  • mod + Shift + T cancel color temperature adjust
  • mod + Shift + S open screenshot application
  • mod + o run dunstctl to close notification windows
  • mod + Shift + o run dunstctl to display history notification windows

Polybar display in multiple screens

Please run xrandr -q | grep " connected" | cut -d ' ' -f1 command to confirm your display device ports.
For example, If you had two monitors and they connected eDP ports and HDMI-A-0 ports,
you can modify polybar/config.ini like this:

;; specify your connected port to here (as a variable) and make sure they had connected.
main = eDP
external = HDMI-A-0

and use them:

;; the first monitor
monitor = ${monitor.main}


;; the second monitor
monitor = ${monitor.external}

In my config file, two screens' polybar style configure are the same.

Thanks :)


A dark theme about i3wm, include dunst, picom, polybar and rofi.







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