The SfDataForm allows you to work with FreshMVVM framework. To achieve this, follow the below steps:
Step 1: Install the FreshMVVM NuGet package in your shared code project.
Step 2: Create your XAML page (view) with name ending with “Page”.
namespace DataFormXamarin
public partial class DataFormPage : ContentPage
public DataFormPage()
Step 3: Create a page model with the name ending with PageModel and inherit FreshBasePageModel. If your Page name is MainPage, then the PageModel name should be MainPageModel and the namespace of Page and PageModel should be the same. In this PageModel, you can keep the ViewModel related properties.
namespace DataFormXamarin
public class DataFormPageModel : FreshBasePageModel
Step 4: To raise property changed notifier, use RaisePropertyChanged method of base class in your PageModel.
namespace DataFormXamarin
public class DataFormPageModel : FreshBasePageModel
private ContactsInfo contactsInfo;
public ContactsInfo ContactsInfo
get { return this.contactsInfo; }
this.contactsInfo = value;
Step 5: Set MainPage using PageModel in your App.xaml.cs file.
public partial class App : Application
public App()
var page = FreshPageModelResolver.ResolvePageModel<DataFormPageModel>();
var basicNavContainer = new FreshNavigationContainer(page);
MainPage = basicNavContainer;
Step 6: Bind the data to the SfDataform DataObject without mentioning the binding context.
<dataForm:SfDataForm x:Name="dataForm"
DataObject="{Binding ContactsInfo}"
LayoutOptions="TextInputLayout" />