Package to control the Keithley 4200A-SCS parameter analyzer with Python. It uses Keithleys Linear Parametric Test Library (LPT) by wrapping the lptlib.dll using ctypes. The lptlib.dll is located on the parameter analyzer and will be automatically found when running pylptlib on the instrument. The library supports the most common commands for SMU and pulse units as well as commands for CVU cards.
pylptlib is a backend for the SweepMe! instrument drivers for the Keithley 4200-SCS.
The implementation is based on the documentation "4200A-LPT-907-01A_LPT_Dec_2020.pdf"
An extensive step-by-step manual for using the lptlib with SweepMe! can be found in the \manual directory.
The package can be installed using "pip install 'path_to_package'". Further, you need to install a 32 bit Python on the parameter analyzer as the lptlib.dll is 32 bit only.
from pylptlib import lpt, param
lpt.initialize() # needed to load the dll
instr_id = lpt.getinstid("PMU1")
lpt.rpm_config(instr_id, 1, param.KI_RPM_PATHWAY, param.KI_RPM_PULSE)
All arguments are changed to lower case and have underscores in case an argument contained capital letters:
- numSeq -> num_seq
- SeqLoopCount -> seq_loop_count
Functions with 'X' like forceX are wrapped as forcev or forcei.
Pointer like arguments are omitted if they can be automatically created. Functions that are used to query values return the values of the buffer objects if possible. Otherwise, None is returned.
# pointer like argument '*result' is not used
# function returns the current
current = lpt.intgi(instr_id)
For exact use of pylptlib, please have a look at the implementation in src\pylptlib\
Please have a look at the pdf documentation of the LPT library to understand the meaning of each argument.
Create a local development environment. Run following commands in the directory of the repository. Adjust the paths to your python installation as necessary, and make sure to use a 32bit python version.
C:\Python39-32\python.exe -m venv .venv
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Build the executable. Run following commands in the directory of the repository.
The server executable can now be found in the dist
directory. There is also a default config file called
that contains the local IP-Address and Port the server is listening at:
Please email us at for any queries. We can also add further functions on request.