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All the work related to kilobots.

Getting started with kilobots

Kilobot hardware and software details.

More insight into design of kilobots

Good Resource of Kilobotics.

Simple tutorials to get started with programming.

Here You can Download V-Rep for simulating kilobots.

After Downloading, execute any .ttt file in terminal like this: ./ Kilobots_around.ttt

This provides details about all the different functions and data structures present in kilolib library.

Some common tips while using V-Rep Simulator for Kilobots:

1 :- The script is in Lua Language so while using it. Refer to This Lua documentation.

2 :- Before running you have to ensure that you have the models of controller and kilobots i.e. their .ttm files. added to the system. Their files may be located in something like /home/username/V-REP_PRO_EDU_V3_6_1_Ubuntu16_04/models/robots/mobile

3 :- After editing the script, you have to ensure that you have clicked the Download like button on the top left most area which ensure that your changes have been added to the scene.