Your users should be able to:
- View the optimal layout for the app depending on their device's screen size
- See hover states for all interactive elements on the page
- Navigate between Home, Movies, TV Series, and Bookmarked Shows pages
- Add/Remove bookmarks from all movies and TV series
- Search for relevant shows on all pages
- The data is in local data.js file
- The data is saved on the localStorage, so that the user can see the current bookmarked state when come back to the app.
@searchForm @reactRouter6 @importData @activeButtons
import data from data.js: in order to see the images, in the data.js the images must have require ().default image: require('./assets/thumbnails/beyond-earth/trending/large.jpg').default,
- BookmarkToggle is working only after page reload
- Search functionality works but when the searchTerm is deleted, we go back to the initial data (the bookmarked state is lost)