How to configure Telegram to pull information from Google Sheets and send it as a message
This provides a simple interface for student to retrieve their own health data Specific context: we administered body composition data collection as part of Outdoor Adventure Club (CCA) and recorded student health data Students sometimes wanted historic data. Teachers manually queried and provided.
Students wanting access to their own data
Instead of relying on teacher mediation on every manual data query,
Important note: There is no profound auth mechanism to ensure data security
[] Register student_id on /start for access token
[] In-line Telegram button/ keyboard for common operations, including BMI calculation (else compute it as a row on gsheets)
[] For more sensitive information: Key Steps for Encryption
- Add Encryption Functions
- Use a library like CryptoJS for encryption and decryption.
- Store a secure SECRET_KEY.
- Encrypt Data When Saving to Google Sheets
- Modify your sheet-writing logic to encrypt sensitive data.
- Decrypt Data When Fetching from Google Sheets
- Update your query functions to decrypt the data after verifying the student’s access.
- Verify Access to ensure only authorized users can access their data.